Yeah, had to use a Moto G34 5G for the last few weeks, it’s insane how Android is killing apps left and right with “just” 4GB of RAM. Have apps really gotten that much less efficient?
Yeah, had to use a Moto G34 5G for the last few weeks, it’s insane how Android is killing apps left and right with “just” 4GB of RAM. Have apps really gotten that much less efficient?
In my home server my Seagates have been dying one after another, I have replaced each failed one with a Toshiba and they have been rock solid so far
Yeah, I’m making a lot myself too, but I sadly don’t have the storage space for large amounts of food. And the homemade goods are often more expensive, unless you can get veggies on the cheap from a farmer
It gets even worse when a number of anime aren’t even licensed for your country so you can only stream them via VPN. Looking at you Crunchyroll
Yeah, if the attacker is in a position to do a MitM attack you have much larger problems than a ssh vulnerability that so far can at most downgrade the encryption of your connection in nearly all cases
The best way I have found is through MyAnonamouse, it’s a private tracker though, so you will have to go through their application process
Might want to rethink the name Redox OS already exists and is a pretty active project to create a modern OS in Rust
Thank you for the tip, just registered for one!
I would absolutely love to go there, but I sadly can’t afford a ticket right now
Yeah, this is plain PLA though and it prints fine on other printers. Maybe 200°C is too high of a temp
Already ran through all the flow rate, pressure advance, retraction towers and maximum flow rate calibrations in Orca Slicer
Yeah, I should probably try it with a lower temperature, also got some PLA Meta filament in the post that might help
If we’re also talking old computers then it’s hard to beat the Cray-1