If this is isn’t already on steam for a couple of bucks, it should be.
If this is isn’t already on steam for a couple of bucks, it should be.
It’s sad, remember when terrorism meant flying a 747 into a sky scraper?
Nowadays whenever I see it in the headlines I just assume someone pissed off the wrong cop.
Is this a lot? Like what’s the average reward for someone who shoots someone dead in America?
It’s easy, the sun rises in the… oh wait no it sets in the… erm… so what time is it?
Controversial but I was surprised at how well trump did for himself.
He managed to dial down the lies and rhetoric from “how stupid does he think the audience is” to “obviously bullshit”.
Well done to Harris of course, in particular for calling his playbook tactics out at the start, then repeatedly calling out the lies and dog whistling each time - the way to beat a manipulating bully is to shine a light on their behaviour plainly in public and she nailed it.
Bonus points to Harris as well for laughing at him whilst maintaining class.
Outsmarted. Technically a board game but with an app.
It’s actually not the gimmick I thought it would be! Cast that bad boy to the tv and you’ve got a game show in the family room!
For those also wondering (and I’m quoting a comment on Ars so may stand corrected…):
Isn’t this a violation of the Geneva Conventions?
Only if used to deliberately target infantry. The videoed operations so far seem to have been intended to burn away protective cover (trees/brush), which is a permitted use even if there’s a risk of inflicting casualties as a side effect of the application of incendiaries.
Automatic upvote for John Oliver.
The only thing holding me back from switching to Linux is gaming.
Nowadays you can run windows games with proton just as well if not better than on windows.
I’m thinking about tying Ubuntu.
Ubuntu is garbage and canonical are pure evil for everything they’ve done. Snaps? Garbage you need flatpaks/debs/app images.
Bro it’s easy just avoid any distro with systemd and gnome/goblin/plasma that’s why I use Trilby. It’s a molecular version of Susan.
I installed Linux mint for my Granma if she can use it anyone can. Though personally I use arch btw.
(I actually do use Linux, for anyone curious a bastardisation of Ubuntu + KDE wrangled to work on a MacBook that Apple are ditching support for… , btw)
Wonderful story and what an impact his efforts have made.
Great example of the IT mantra “When you do your job right the user’s won’t know you’ve done anything at all”.
No doubt fiscal policies put this (and other) councils on the back foot, but it’s reductive to ignore that the thing that tipped them over the edge was bureaucratic incompetence combined with being fucked by the Oracle Corporation.
The original had to be one of the most underrated (or just undermmarketed?) games of all time.
Absolutely fantastic RPG.
The Platform (2019).
To be honest it wouldn’t even let me download it off a vpn, on a different OS that hadn’t connected to a vpn, or in a different browser.
Had to find somewhere other than the Microsoft site to get one.
As far as mine’s concerned it’s all about those lick-e-lix.
(Those liquid meat in a squeezy tube things like kids have for yoghurt)
I’ve had some luck with Ubuntu, I’ve made my “notes” public in case it’s of use to you!
I’d started with bootcamp (windows) to add another bootloader option then went from there. Most of my docs go from there.
What’s the plan for hosting?
Not sure it helps with /etc/skel (never heard of it before) but this is a cool infographic: https://whimsical.com/fhs-L6iL5t8kBtCFzAQywZyP4X
I don’t think they do.
They seem to play on cultural references “for the lolz” and sometimes some pointless competition e.g “screw meme A buy meme B!”
Thinking about it I don’t understand why, given the now unpopularity of Elon and his gvt stuff, the meme coiners aren’t going all out on CATE to spite DOGE. That would actually be hilarious to see in the papers!
But again to answer the question - they’re a joke gamble, like picking a horse with a funny name regardless of its form.