I tend to leave the lid half off, so that it can reduce but it also doesn’t splash everywhere.
I tend to leave the lid half off, so that it can reduce but it also doesn’t splash everywhere.
The string section are scavengers, they’ll wait for a poorly aimed honkwitch to land amongst them, then descend as a pack.
The spoils are divided up hierarchically, first violin always eats first.
In all honesty, I was being a bit unfair. It’s a wordpress site, so it’s probably a fan just nerding out to other fans about something they love.
Still though, a word to other nerds - it’s good to put up signposts for the curious, that’s how you draw them in.
( •᷄ࡇ•᷅ )
That’s a fair point I guess.
Thank you. I feel like that should have been a key bit of info, but what do I know?
E: words are hard.
Amazingly, I read that whole article and still have absolutely no idea what Cyberpunk RED is.
Fantastic bit of journalism there.
Wow, Wired is really keen to share their opinion of Luigi fanfic.
Edit. Erotic Luigi fanfic. Like, they’re really, really keen to let people know how awful the erotic Luigi fanfic is.
R34 is also short for rule 34 - “if it exists, there’s porn of it on the internet”
So if you search R34 and anything, you’ll get porn.
I’d be pretty surprised if this didn’t have something to do with the Great Green Wall project, even if it’s a knock on effect of that work.
Yeah? Well this is razzle dazzle camo I think we all know who’ll be seen last.
I know what you mean, it’s a bit sort of generic Anime.
There’s such a wealth of incredible artwork related to LOTR, both illustrations from the various publications and all the stuff from the films, that this just looks a bit amateur in comparison.
Anyone born after 1983 can’t cook. All they know is charge they phone…
Couldn’t agree more, children’s shows should absolutely be about peeling away the thin veneer of sanity that’s all there is protecting us from the gargling, writhing chaos and madness that lies in the darkness beyond.
It builds character.
You, me and every western philosopher for the last few hundred years all want an answer to this but as far as I know, the short answer is no - you can’t empirically prove anything exists outside of your own thoughts.
However, unless you particularly enjoy trying to answer that question, it’s simply more practical to accept as a fact, that your senses are telling the truth when they tell you something is real.
It’s an axiom, but axioms are helpful for allowing us to get on with living when we would otherwise just get stuck in a pointless loop of asking unanswerable questions.
That said, if you do enjoy the challenge of trying to answer these sorts of questions, you could probably start with Rene Descartes’ - Discourse on the Method. In that, Descartes kicks this whole topic off by asking “what happens if I systematically deconstruct everything I know to be real?” and eventually comes to the conclusion that yes, everything outside of our minds can be doubted but the one, irrefutable fact that holds up under any amount of scepticism, is that “if I can think, I exist”.
This is a pretty digestible article about the importance of the discovery of “cogito, ergo sum”/“I think, therefore I am”.
If you just want to make one, milder curry you could do a sambal on the side. It’s not Thai but it’s big in nearby countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore etc.
It’s a bit like a much hotter siracha but there are loads of varieties, some have shaved coconut for a bit of texture and sweetness etc.
Here’s a basic one https://www.elmundoeats.com/en/how-to-make-malaysian-chili-paste-sambal/
Edit: forgot to say, sambals have similar flavours to Thai stuff, so lemongrass, chilli, coconut etc. Thought it would compliment nicely even if not strictly traditional.
If you believe the internet, then “bliss” made quite a bit initially.
This is the pic windows XP wishes it had on release
You’re cold to the touch.
Eat it, see what happens.