I dunno.
I dunno.
It’s just what they call their own short display of new games and updates.
I’m in the US and opted into the beta for the AI stuff, but so far my experience has been generally positive.
Can’t recreate this. Or any of the other AI flops people keep posting
If you have an automatic or manual movement, it’ll also be waterproof.
They’ve been doing this for ages. Some think it’s just Old Reddit either.
Absolutely. Even something as simple as a fresh fruit shake comes out so much smoother from the Vitamix. As the person who commented below you also mentioned, it is great for making soups as well. I have the food processor attachment and it’s mind-blowing how much quicker I’m able to prep my food because of it. I haven’t gotten the dry mixing bowl yet, but a buddy of mine uses it when making flour and swears by it.
Is it overkill for most, probably, but given it’s going to last me for at least 10 years, I’m okay with the purchase price.
Funny enough, I’ll never use a Ninja again after getting a Vitamix.
How does this impact listening to podcasts on Google home devices?
I mean there was a point where he was someone worth championing…now? He’s scum.
And they will incorrectly bill you every single time and you’ll spend hours with billing for your insurance and one medical to sort it out and it’ll take months.
Likely we agreed to show them to remove our add features without any breach or reduction in price
This is confusing, my plan auto renewed for a year in September, what happens to people like me? It didn’t even give me the option to “upgrade”, it just did it.
Lol Brody isn’t even named in the title as a secondary star. What about Issa Rae?
I wish we got to see Greg use his evidence against Tom
The line to take a pic with its balls is longer than to take a pic of it from the front.