It’s got to do with a poor sleep routine mixed with the stress and caffeine that it often comes with.
Cut out caffeine three hours before bed, don’t eat too soon before bed, try get into a regular sleep and wake up routine and try get at least 6 hours minimum. And don’t go to bed with your phone in your face!
Getting some exercise in the day helps a lot too!
Strike 1: upload an AI racist post changing a person’s ethnicity
Strike 2: not even paying her for her work, and taking her only ‘income’ away which is exposure. (Silly of people that work for exposure but that’s another topic.
Strike 3: apologize in the form of a thinly veiled threat of legal action
Strike 4: feign ignorance, by saying you did it because you were overwhelmingly popular on social media, and weren’t paying attention and had no idea you didn’t pay your models. (Don’t lie, you absolutely knew). Pass the blame further by blaming the fans, because apparently someone else had a vested interest in changing the race of one of his models.
Strike 5: try and turn the narrative by making sure everyone knows that the event is in honour of his dead wife, and actually WE should feel sorry for HIM.
Sounds an awful lot like narcissism (what’s the narcissists poem?)
This guy seems to be a bit of a racist scumbag, who not only takes advantage of young models, but is happy to throw those around him under the bus or throwing his lawyers at the problem before dishing out an honest and humble apology.
The weirdest thing about these is that even with a random orange cat, these comics are very much an unhinged fever dream.
I would like to see Heathcliff with only Heathcliff. He seems to generally be the only character that never adds anything whatsoever.
I don’t use Edge BECAUSE they keep begging and throwing ads at me for it. It’s off putting, desperate and exactly what I don’t want.
I don’t use it because the Edge splash screen is chokka ads and news stories I don’t want.
I don’t use Edge because I find Bing annoying, and prefer duck duck go and google in that order, and I’m sick of constantly being nagged to use shit I don’t want.
Microsoft get it in your head, you are an operating system. Your job is to Operate MY system. Do that well. And by all means build more software, make it optional and installable by choice. If it’s good and works for me and not for you I will use it.
I don’t use Chrome either. It no longer works for me. It now works for Google first.
Ive recently downgraded Firefox from browser number 1 to number 2. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s not the best.
Currently I’m enjoying Opera because it feels fresh and zippy and works for me , but I’m not loyal. Edge if you do good, maybe I will use you too. But stop your pathetic shit.
Really useful tool, especially it’s simplicity. No need for too many frills actually.
But just a note on your pricing, Microsoft Word has this built in and you get a whole word processor and their onenote and drive ecosystem for cheaper than your base package. There’s no way on this planet I would pay that, even if I used it professionally.
Not OP, but Linux isn’t much good for professional creative work. Would love to try it out, but without a functioning Adobe suite it’s not gonna happen.
More like,
Dear builder, Im the hardware store that sold you your bricks. I’ve decided that from January 2024, every time somebody enters a house that you built using my bricks, I will charge everytime they open the door.
I started to watch him as he never pulled punches and picked some great match ups of guests and hot topics.
I stopped because his insufferable ego kept compelling him to continuously talk over everyone with his non-stop opinionated smug. Once I noticed I was just watching one man listening to the sound of his own voice while guests that I wanted to hear from get repeatedly cut off at every third word by his desire to manufacture Jerry Springer type drama, I realised how punchable I truely found him to be.