Just because something is out of my control doesn’t mean I’m not responsible for or guilty of it, though.
Just because something is out of my control doesn’t mean I’m not responsible for or guilty of it, though.
Friend is now playing Skyrim. *few minutes pass* Friend is now playing Skyrim. *few seconds pass* Friend is now playing Skyrim. *two seconds pass* Friend is now playing Skyrim. *30 minutes later* “Oh looks like they finally got it work-” Friend is now playing Skyrim.
Frustrating to say the least. Still use chrome because it has some things I still like, but I also used the registry key to keep manifest 2 extensions for now. Switching back to Firefox from chrome after I think a decade of use is going to be mentally taxing, especially for someone who reacts as poorly to change and is as lazy as me. Frustrating how Google has gone from the earlier days of don’t be evil to being who they are today.
Hmm, yeah, good point. What if you throw a bunch of dirt or sand on it from a truck filled with it from a distance until it’s covered? Like one of those things that poke up from wood chippers and launches the chipped wood into a higher truck, but redesigned to throw dirt or sand at a burning EV from a dump truck at a safe distance?
I wonder, would some quickly deployable heat barrier to surround it that can be filled with water once work? Kind of like dunking it a pool, except kind of backwards in that the “pool” is deployed around it and then filled?
It feels like eugenics.
Why didn’t he use the tow truck?