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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I was going to say that it had prioritised the most uses combination of letters… but I have a unique name that I’ve saved to the custom dictionary and it still reverts back to the anglicised name, like “stop autocorrecting my own damn name to something else”.

    At least we know AI is fucked for a few years yet.

  • gaming

    Pokémon Club! I went with my kids ages ago, and I’m the only one that habitually goes now.

    Half the group are below 5-20, the other half are 20 and above - and it’s an absolute riot. I’ve made some decent friends, taken Pokémon Go raid bosses that I’d never have been able to take in a rural area normally, and the adult-only raid walks are just a good excuse to chat bollocks. I’m not really in to the TCG side of things, but even the people who I don’t have much in common with are awesome for type and counter knowledge.

    I’m not even big into the Pokémon series, it’s just an excuse to talk shite for an hour and rinse some XP.