It’s a joke. You don’t have to use it, most won’t because it’s a joke, the real update here is steam workshop support.
It’s a joke. You don’t have to use it, most won’t because it’s a joke, the real update here is steam workshop support.
If he wrote another book, that would probably just get fed right into the training data like the rest of them, so he would have the same problem he has now.
Mike flanagan always does great work, but you should temper your expectations for how much of an “adaptation” this will be. Elements of the story will be present for sure but flanagan tends to take a pretty transformative approach to the works he adapts for his shows. Haunting of Hill House is thematically similar in some ways to the novel it’s based on, but shares few narrative similarities.
Actors are not writers.
Title seems to suggest that Alma Linux is somehow not free software, which is not justified at all by the article. Unless they are trying to say RHEL is free of charge? Which is also not true or mentioned in the text.