Ik woon en werk in een van de 7 Emiraten; Ras-al-Khaimah. Dus, wil je weten hoe het echt zit in Dubai enzo? Dan kan ik daar op basis van ervaring iets over zeggen.
@WhatAmLemmy @Alphane_Moon it’s a searchable and well-known fact that about 10,000 times the government of the Netherlands asked Apple to handover the keys of a specific iCloud account. It’s also searchable in the database of the Dutch government in about 6600 cases per year(!) Apple does hand over these keys. In about 3000 cases Apple refuses to do so.
@oakey66 @cantankerous_cashew even worse: give me two hours and I will give you 80 really handy IF THEN rules that Apple at this moment does not use. For starters: IF music is playing while AppleWatch is in workout mode, THEN skip that song in all-time favourites/ recommendations.
@TORFdot0 @meldrik why is it that so little people realize that the iPhone 13 mini was the best iPhone in the past 10 years?
Bigger = better? Forget it! I can do anything I want in my iPhone 13 mini and see people struggling with their phablets all the time.
Anyway, if the iPhone Air is bigger than the Pro versions, I’m seriously considering the Samsung flip.
@Andromxda I’ve watched the whole movie. Thank you very much. The only thing Apple has going for itself right now is just visuals, I guess. I’m trying to restore a photo library from Apple Time Machine by the way and it fails continuously. So much for the quality of the functionality. #butitlooksfantastic
@Andromxda @sith There are two things that keep me trapped:
For the rest…I switched to Apple in 2001. It used to my secret business weapon (I forced my whole company over to Apple), but those days are long gone.
Still hate MS-Windows though, so it going to be Linux. Anyone a suggestion for a Linux Airdrop and TimeMachine equivalent?
@D1G17AL I’m not particularly afraid of state hackers but working for a law firm I have to max out on protecting our clients against hackers. Being non-technical I’ve assumed that Apple would be the better option (and hence lock down mode and VPN). I have a hard time believing that Android would be more secure than iOS, (and I do realise most dangers come from phishing mails, but that’s a bit off topic).
Anyway; it’s a strong argument to look into switching to the Samsung Flip.
@D1G17AL Fine; what’s the alternative? I already run a VPN (actually two), use lock down mode, don’t accept cookies and use two add-blockers.
Not very fond of Apple for a completely different reason: battery life. So there your right. A mediocre performance at a top price.
So, what would be a better, more secure option than the methods / setup I use right now?
@Xatolos@reddthat. AFAMIG this is to promote Apples own services and products only.
I’ve been on Apple devices since 2001 and have never received or seen an add for non-Apple products on any of my devices. So I’m inclined to believe that my profile is not being sold by Apple to third parties. Which is normal and common to happen to my Facebook or Google profile.
@D1G17AL @fourish That may be true and I would not spend that kind of money if it weren’t for the ecosystem.
And, since the DNA of Apple is building and selling hardware, it’s only logical that they can be a privacy advocate. At least more so than other big companies.
Final point: they are the only tech company with professional customer care (where you pay for, one way or the other) that actually helps and saved my ass a couple of times in the past.
@NotSteve_ @B0rax Totally agree! The iPhone 13 mini is the iDeal mobile since you can do everything with your thumb. And it’s not annoying to carry it in your back pocket while hopping in the car.
@Hamartiogonic without family members I wouldn’t do it, indeed. Side note; it’s very difficult to get it working properly on the computers of the family members.
@Hamartiogonic @EleventhHour I know this sounds oldfashioned but I pay for YouTube premium. Not cheap, comes with four additional members. The YouTube Music categorisation is 100 times better than the Apple Music categorisation and indeed: no adds.
I’m not by principle against ad blockers but the money has to come from somewhere.
@chemicalwonka @TheRealCharlesEames wasn’t the same thing being sad about a walk-man? introduced by Sony in… let me think……1979, or was it 1980?
Anyway, about 40 years later, we have noise cancelling, and if I look at a regular school or college, I think more than half of the students wear some form of headphones.
@Alphane_Moon Apple has surprised the world with more than one invention that nobody thought was useful or that many thought already existed but in way cheaper forms.
However, this really seems to be an invention created for someone who insisted on having his own Next Big Thing.
@NotSteve_ @Sunshine that why I didn’t get the fuss.
Here in the Emirates; if I use Apple Maps, it still is “Gulf of Mexico”. So I thought you’re all lying! And making Tim and Trump look bad.
But now I get it.
BTW: Apple calls the Arabian Gulf the Persian Gulf.
Not nice.