I remember seeing on Shitter the founder of Home Depot was supporting Trump and people were saying they wouldn’t shop there anymore.
The snowflake Trump supports were upset people would do that because it was hurting the workers. I guess it only matters when it is their cause.
Reading this, he was probably still very drunk when he said it. Doesn’t make him any less of a POS.
Also, alcohol generally makes someone tell the truth, so I’m guessing his only remorse is I got caught.
I’ve said this before, if not for dumb criminals, a lot more people would be out of jail for crimes.
Yeah, I would have expected a priest or a republican congressman.
I mean, the man is 71 years old, is probably very wealthy, and wants to have fun. Let the man retire.
Shows how stupid this guy is. Obviously it isn’t illegal for someone to own “Hollywood money” or else he wouldn’t admit to owning it himself. If a homeless person gives it to a store and they accept it, that’s on them.
It clearly states on the bills “For Motion Picture use Only”, doesn’t feel right, and isn’t the right size.
No dates. He is still on the loose.
Unfortunately, that is probably the statute. It sucks that we don’t scale up fines based on wealth.
In Sweden (I think), speeding tickets are based on how much money you have. A person making $50k a year will pay a lower speeding ticket compared to a billionaire going the same speed.
Ah yes. The classic “We investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong defence.”
Things like these need to be held by an independent team and no info given about those involved, e.g. the shooter was a police officer. Some people keep saying the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. The fact the shooter was an officer should have no bearing on the outcome then.
Also, getting an independent team means new jobs for people. Get better results and be a job creator.
If you believe the previous presidents you listed were as narcissistic as Trump, I do t know what to say.
Also, Republicans have reshaped this country in a worst way. Democrats are weaker, but that is only because they don’t stoop to the same level as Republicans do when it comes to politics. Dems actually try to work together, Republicans say do what I want or else. Do you remember at all the previous government shutdowns? All due to Republicans not willing to compromise. Then they do a big show saying it’s all Democrats fault.
I completely disagree with this. People stayed home and didn’t vote for Hillary in 2016 because they wanted to send a message. They didn’t think Trump would be elected.
What we got was 4 years of a narcissist running the country who cares more about himself and his friends than what was good for the people.
I didn’t like Hillary, but I voted for her. I don’t like Biden but I’ll vote for him because the alternative is another 4 years of people losing rights that I believe they should have.
Uniforms should be issued, not designed by the country. Some countries have invested $10,000s of dollars to ensure their athletes have the least amount of drag, namely in swimming. At that point, it isn’t the talent of the athlete, it’s the clothes. Put everyone on even playing ground clothes wise.
Completely agree. Blocking the average Joe driving home will get attention, but potentially for the wrong reason. I think your edit is perfect. Inconvenience those in power that can do something about it now, not someone who can really only do something when voting.
Ah, but you see, there is no restrictions to owning a gun. Our forefathers believed so, even though at the time every gun was a single shot using black powder that wasn’t that accurate. They absolutely knew that one day people would have semi-automatic weapons able to fire off an obscene amount rounds in a minute, hitting a target accurately from a long distance.
Conservatives : Show me your personal medical records. I need to know if you are commiting crimes.
Also conservatives: No you can’t see my tax returns. That’s personal.
The fact that they sued everyone involved and not involved with this instead of offering to remove the house first tells me they probably wouldn’t accept that if she asked. This is a small tactic as others have said.
By this logic, if a person is driving and looking at their phone, runs a red light and causes an accident, they shouldn’t be held responsible if they don’t give the person reasonable compensation. It wasn’t there intent to cause an accident, it was a mistake. Asking for the property she paid for in the condition she bought it is reasonable.
You are also leaving out the part where she is now paying 10x if not more for property taxes on a house she never wanted and it sounds like the house is damaged due to squatters, something that the developer should have made sure wouldn’t happen. That house probably isn’t worth what they are offering it to her.
Also, you have no idea what she wants from a 3 minute video. All we know is what the developer offered. She may have asked for the house to be demolished and they said no because it would cost them more money to do so.
I would like to compare the number of trans people who have had an illegal relationship with a child to a straight person.
If a business wants it, then it isn’t good for the consumer.
Also, the only time a business should be talking to Congress is to explain why they did something, not for new laws. Last time I checked, Congress was supposed to serve the people, not businesses, but I know that has t been true for a long time.