I think they are referencing this Clip from Volker Pisper (first Minute).
I think they are referencing this Clip from Volker Pisper (first Minute).
What makes it so hard is, that most of the problems you’re gonna face (starvation, sanaty, freezing, missing wappons/armor for battles) can be avoided/overcome easily only if you are prepared. Once the problems are here you often have no chance to deal with them when unprepared.
So after a while it becomes a constant danger evaluation in your head: There is an enemy… Fight or avoid? If i fight i might get hurt. Do i have time do find stuff to heal after the fight? And so on…
And adventure mode adds even more problems to the mix.
After writing this i realised that this sounds really stressful. But at the same time this is why i like this game so much :]
I’ve really enjoyed the videos of James Veitch on annoying scanners. Especially this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MHDDSekvcE. The scammer wants him to contact this “bank” and open an account. He than makes up, that he read somewhere that you get a free toaster with any new account. He than goes on and on about the free toaster until the scanner asks him to stop emailing him.
There are programs that can check such things as runtime, wear (…).