DMG Gameboy Kirby Dreamland. My youngest loves it and it’s REALLY hard to lose so he doesn’t need a ton of help.
DMG Gameboy Kirby Dreamland. My youngest loves it and it’s REALLY hard to lose so he doesn’t need a ton of help.
if the file is small enough you can throw it in tinkercad and merge it. Cura will let you print it as one file if you let it but you have to set it correctly.
Oooooooh, I have one:
It’s like a 5 page spread for the whole spiel but this is the most relevant page.
The one thing i will add it that the eye thing primarily is super true and backed up by science as 20% of our brain is dedicated to visual functions and adding a third would make our heads very very hard to handle for almost 0 benefits.
You can’t slow down the head in specific spots but you can slow it down in general as well as setting a minimal layer time so that it pauses between layer and lets them cool.
Call me mister suspicious if you like but I have had this exact issue daily with Chrome since they started complaining about adblocking. And wouldn’t you know it, the moment any form of adblock is disabled it miraculously does not happen. I can also fix it by clearing my cache every day and restarting the browser. I would start with those steps.
Bit of both really. Ok, the bed tramming is normal, even GREAT printers need it done every few weeks or so. The physics and mechanical properties of how the bed is held down mean changes in temperatures and normal shifts even in an ACed house mean they loosen naturally a little every day and after a few weeks they will be bad enough someone who likes a really level bed will need to clear them again. After a few months any bed that isn’t welded down is going to need to be redone.
Z offset and bed auto level follow from that. You need to redo them when you do the tramming anyway.
I would say run your printer more often but that won’t fix it. You’re running against physics and nothing can stop that. Maybe you can store up prints for say 6 months and then do them all in a week or so and you only have to do this once?
And novel and audiobook all the way to the end of castle heterodyne which this game covers. Now for an actual ship date for backers.
Suavamente for sure.
I suspect part of it is protagonist. I, as a kid saw Luke as the character I was supposed to see the movie through. In EBS he’s barely there and he is at the lowest by the end.
In ROTJ you see his bitter sweet triumph but triumph never the less.
I can see your logic and i can see Fribbtastic’s objections. I am not sure immerse in a liquid a suction cup will be necessary. I would start out with a 20mm cube. A pure flat surface right in the middle of the filament where you’re going to get the most flex of the film.
I would sincerely consider giving your film 50% slack for eventual failure and loosening but your idea is sound. I do think commenter is right though that this would be something to redo on every single film replacement AND every single resin you use.
I’d genuinely be curious to see time saved VS used up to dial it in.