That feels incredibly off. Bitcoin is around 100k now while back then it topped out at ~65k or so?
That feels incredibly off. Bitcoin is around 100k now while back then it topped out at ~65k or so?
I’ve heard a statistic that goes something like: If you were to just not exist, you would only save about 1 second worth of emissions globally. Whatever individual action you do to reduce emissions from your lifestyle only go so far.
And like others have mentioned, there are the other, less legal forms of direct action.
If it was that normalized, a lot of the phrasing would have a lot more slang and simpler terminology.
I’m just giving a basic example of people being motivated outside of money. There are other lines of work that are easier or pay better or both.
Why do people become teachers in the US? Certainly isn’t “for the money”.
Alright, if they’re having a romp in the afterlife in some capacity, they aren’t ghosts. There’s a kind of underlying implication they’re sticking around for some worldly purpose or reason. Often this is used for metaphor about moving on in your life (or rather afterlife).
The initial numbers made it look like they lost a bunch. It seemed like misinformation.