Work will set you free
Work will set you free
Doesn’t really matter cuz the Jesus they care about is the fictional Jesus in the story.
just by being the biggest player in the system so all the activity is on their server, then they shut it down and leave the rest of the drivers with a big hole in the community.
Roboto Slab, Iosevka
Then you are extremely lucky, as am I. I have enough money saved up that I took a break.
However, something like 40% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and just don’t have that option. The threat of poverty is constantly chasing them. When you’re in that situation, you will take the best option available even if it’s garbage or next to garbage.
The main argument is that we are in a system of people who are way more powerful than us, and have largely taken away our options until we agree. We’re facing widespread protests and international strikes right now because we don’t like the options they’ve given us, and we’re trying to change the system.
Just because somebody takes away your options until you agree, doesn’t mean they aren’t forcing you. Just because you happen to be satisfied with what you have, doesn’t mean that something better is not being denied from you, even though it is possible for you to have it.
People have opinions, so they will pay more money for some things and less money for other things.
There are things that you think are valuable that other people think are stupid. Like your opinions on art, for example.
You’re going to have to take my word for it because I’m lazy and in bed, but Israel goes to serious effort to make no distinction between civilian, terrorist, protester or child.
They have rules of engagement so broad that basically nobody is safe. When soldiers gunned down children, they are either not charged or cleared by falsified evidence. Some of which admits that they killing was unjustified and offers alternative explanations to be given to the press.
The amount that pops into my head is big enough that I’d say I don’t need it.
What do you mean you won’t permit it? You mean you will actually try to stop Israel from doing it? Will you stop giving Israel money?
Or are you just going to do nothing?
Nah it’s just cuz we have a “sides” mentality in our heads: When bad things happen to bad people, It’s good.
They forget or somehow don’t care that death would be a relief for prisoners. It would spare them from the endless torment and boredom and terrible food.
Both pronunciations are identical. Unless you showed someone both at the same time and told them to take a very close look at them, Nobody would even notice there’s a difference and everyone would pronounce them as expected.
Post rationalization perhaps?
It could also be similar to the logic of phrenology, where they pointed at objective measurements of various features of people’s skulls to make wild conclusions about the superiority or inferiority of different races. It’s not that they were falsifying the measurements, they just skipped a step and treated the sensibilities of the most privileged and influential members of society as objective fact.
But not cuz I like the guy.
Edit: It’s because death would spare him from the endless torment of living in a cell and being bored 24/7 and eating terrible food. I want to make sure he lives an entire life of that.
No. It’s not getting in the way of fossil fuel production. It’s getting in the way of an art museum and coercing them into calling the cops to get them thrown out, achieving nothing useful in the process.
You have to disrupt and coerce the fossil fuel producers
“…as far as the penalty is concerned I think death would be a relief for these men not a punishment. It would remove all possibility of mortal ills, all chances of joys and of sorrow…”
It’s not true. Your observations may be affected by confirmation, bias, or other things.
However, barometric pressure can apparently induce labor