It’s too bad the royals and Trump don’t have the privacy of Epstein’s island to hash these things out between their other activities there, whatever those were.
It’s too bad the royals and Trump don’t have the privacy of Epstein’s island to hash these things out between their other activities there, whatever those were.
Working five days to look forward to and enjoy two days is complete bullshit. Medieval serfs had it better.
Exactly. Vance is a Manchurian candidate for the fascists in Silicon Valley. He’s there to take over if need be or to run after Trump’s term is over. I doubt he has any actual agency.
Fuhrer Musk took his mask off at the inauguration. He knows the role he sees himself playing. He sees Trump as his press secretary dealing with the media.
Billionaires don’t need just guillotines this time. Too quick and simple. There should be layers of humiliation before they see anything close to guillotines.
Imagine losing a bunch of foreign dignitaries because a software update failed and they all got trapped inside and slowly suffocated to death while first responders tried to cut through armor.
Public act of fealty. Google has officially kissed the ring of the mad king. Realize what that means for the way they handle business moving forward.
They’ll still end up like all of Trump’s other business partners in the end. Betrayed, unpaid, and regretful.
A system designed to balance the needs of the people with the excesses of the aristocracy ended up creating greater wealth inequality than pre-revolution France.
It’s hard to overstate how badly the American Experiment has gone off track for the last four plus decades. Destroying the education system paved the way for it all.
The first generation of Americans read newspapers that were written at what would now be a college reading level. Now the average American is so bombarded by misinformation and lacking in critical thinking that they’ll believe anything.
Given the fact that D1.1 seems to be more virulent in humans, this could indicate a major change in terms of public health risks from the earlier scenario with the B3.13 strain,” veterinary science pioneer Juergen Richt, a former director at the National Institutes of Health, tells Fortune.
Hopefully it doesn’t amount to anything, but if it does, we’re fucked. States will lose federal funding for even suggesting people take basic precautions.
California is lawyering up. I just hope a fight in the courts still means something.
Working his 20-something slaves and H1B guys to death while being terminally online and obsessed with memes and petty online shit. The new Fuhrer sucks.
I honestly think I prefer Trump. At least his grift and bullshit are predictable. Fuhrer Musk plays with everything like a spoiled child/future serial killer plays with small animals. He thinks tearing shit apart and destroying it is the right way to interact with the world, and he lacks even the most basic aspects of humanity.
Why resign? Going mask off is being normalized on the right. I’m thinking this is something else. He probably asked for a bathroom break or refused a 2am blood transfusion.
Nigerian princes who have millions to give you have been making the same deal for years.
There has to be a mechanism to stop illegal orders from happening that has teeth. There isn’t one. Congress could try, but they haven’t been effective in over a decade.
The Supreme Court is compromised by billionaire bribes and will likely undo any attempts to restrain the new Nazi administration.
The American experiment has been wildly successful for over two centuries. It’s now going to fail because the billionaires who captured it are too stupid and greedy to see the long term consequences of their actions.
Yeah, that’s certainly a part of it too. It’s a giant, bullshit circus spinning around Trump.
There’s also a possibility that it’s a shock and awe campaign to get people scared enough to accept new “stability” laws that restore “law and order.”
It’s all bullshit like the tariffs with Mexico and Canada. He’ll talk about America annexing Gaza while everyone gets outraged, then “do a deal” with Netanyahu where Israel takes over, maybe with a side deal with another country to assist. Saudi Arabia, probably. Less forced relocation than before, etc.
The thing they planned on doing anyway will look better than Trump’s idiotic, headline-grabbing fake idea. And the press, Dems, and general public will continue to fall for this trick every single time for the next 4 years.
Planck died before he finished his Grower/Shower addendum to the scale.
You can’t prove there isn’t an underwater alien city UNDER the hydrothermal vents.
The clouds are smoke from all the money they burned. The mountains are where they’re building a trillion dollars in power plants to power their bloated, hallucinating nonsense.
Imagine what might have happened if OpenAI stayed a non-profit and worked on cost-effective R&D instead of chasing hype and dumb money investors with a rushed product.
Nazi traitors gonna do traitorous Nazi shit. God bless Ukraine and its holy fight against evil. They will find a way and emerge victorious.