I am already looking forward to the reboot where Skeletor is played by Joaquin Phoenix.
I am already looking forward to the reboot where Skeletor is played by Joaquin Phoenix.
That’s a fair point.
Is it worth the hype that Apple and cell carriers are throwing at it? Not really, but do I, as a user, enjoy a lot of the new features? For sure.
Double tap to type to Siri is great, and access to ChatGPT for answers Siri doesn’t know is much better than, “I couldn’t find the answer. Would you like me to search the internet?” And as a person with slight dyslexia and ADHD, Proofread is a fucking god send.
I get the point of this meme but if you look at the photo of the assassin he’s wearing a beige backpack with beige shoulder straps. This just seems like a guy wearing a similar jacket on the wrong day. 
Beautiful. Just. Beautiful.
Ah but there’s the rub. The lack there of of proof and logic is the exact reason Stratasys brought the suit to the Eastern district court of Texas. This is the same court where patent trolls go to win their fairy tale suits based on antiquated and overly broad patents that they purchased from long defunct companies. In the Eastern district court of Texas it’s not what you can prove it’s who do you know. Also known as corruption.
Come check out Comcast’s New Quantum Internet plans! Up to instantaneously Download speeds and almost 40 mbs Upload speeds! Amazing! And if you get our route we’ll make you pay for it forever, and then charge you for it if it doesn’t look new when you return it! Life changing! Don’t forget our data caps! While it cost us a fraction of a fraction of what we charge you to send slightly more or less of your data we’re gonna charge ya for it anyway because fuck you! Bend over!
That is such a beautiful photo, mad fucking props.
I would upvote this twice if I could.
This feels worse somehow. With the death penalty there is a finality to sentencing, these people are stuck on an ever speeding treadmill of despair chasing hope like it’s a carrot on a string. Even if they get out, due to the conditionality of their original sentence, they can be thrown right back in with the flick of a pen. Like Sisyphus to his boulder these people are bound to sadness perpetually stuck in a state of fear.
FYI for iPhone users if you run into the Fuzz and you need to lock it out of biometrics, hit the lock button five times. This will start the emergency call count down but once canceled the iPhone can only be opened via passcode. Caveat, you need to have the five press to call turned on in Settings>Emergency SOS>Call with 5 Button presses
Sadly I doubt that people that have taken horse paste to counteract their COVID infections will make those same acknowledgements.
Lol, I guess you’re right, not really what I was going for but to each their own.
One thing that any would be shoplifter should take away from this is NEVER steal from Target. Target waits and tallies up what a person has shoplifted until that dollar value exceeds what is required to charge them with felony theft, in Florida‘s case a dollar value greater than 750, and then has that person arrested.
I mean, you can probably measure it in both if you wanted, heck you could even measure it in number of cubits. I doubt the train will care.
She looks like the Famous KFC Qurrito, a KFC quesadilla delicacy that will likely never see the light of day on an American KFC menu. She is quite the forbidden fruit…
Oh you meant the lady in the photo, I knew that. That is Anamaria Dodan. I was just kidding about the mouth watering cheesy deliciousness… sigh