Well, that’s all kinds of wrong.
Well, that’s all kinds of wrong.
The old adage is never use v x.0 of anything, which I’d expect to go double for data integrity. Is there any particular reason ZFS gets a pass here (speaking as someone who really wants this feature). TrueNAS isn’t merging it for a couple of months yet, I believe.
Not to my mind, science requires a testable hypothesis and evidence. I would argue that merely refuting someone else’s hypothesis without providing a new one doesn’t meet the bar of doing science.
Sorry, I don’t understand.
Counterexamples also refute, without necessarily being science.
He wants real estate.
Yup (although minutes seems long and depending on usage weekly might be fine). You can also combine it with updates which require going down anyway.
Basically, you want to shut down the database before backing up. Otherwise, your backup might be mid-transaction, i.e. broken. If it’s docker you can just docker-compose down it, backup, and then docker-compose up, or equivalent.
I could care less, but then I wouldn’t care at all…
Hanlon’s razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity (or incompetence).
This works for individuals, but when it comes to corporations, you really have to ask, why not both?
Just use multiple database files (e.g. one for unimportant, one for important) and automate the syncing with syncthing or something so the lazy doesn’t matter…
Clear as mud. (I actually dimly get it, I’m a dev, but mere mortals will be clueless and move on). Farcaster is right, you need to define terms and give examples of actually getting this up and running, you’ve got way too much internal context that you’re not making explicit. Not an attack, trying to help, project sounds cool.
FreshRSS for those playing along at home…
I get it, but I contend my suggestion would allow exactly that, without relying on the opinion of some internet rando. YMMV.
Find a list of books you like, find an entry that interests you, go to anna’s archive. Why overcomplicate it?
Who knows ?, which is the same as no.
Leveraging the tendancy for everyone frustated with shit search results due to SEO to slap site:reddit.com on the end, and enshittifying it (coz any AI they can train (also any AI, but moreso) will mangle the shit out of it, seriously reddit is not enough data). Way to dilute your brand for a headline. Morons.
Sure is, use a vpn obs.
If you could control the percentage and get rid of those pesky wine parts, this would be a damn useful power, kill, incapacitate or make drunk depending on BAC.
Excellent against superheroes, most of them are lightweight tea totals, although a mean drunk Superman would be a bad day. Might be tricky to judge the level with the Supes from The Boys though…
I run a gluetun docker (actually two, one local and one through Singapore) clientside which is generally regarded as pretty damn bulletproof kill switch wise. The arr stack etc uses this network exclusively. This means I can use foxyproxy to switch my browser up on the fly, bind things to tun0/tun1 etc, and still have direct connections as needed, it’s pretty slick.