Okay, but now i wanna know how they’re going UP the stairs…
Okay, but now i wanna know how they’re going UP the stairs…
I am sorry but i live in a country which is maybe not perfect, but which one is??? I see my taxes in action. Maybe not perfect in the way you imply, heck even as i would like. But corruption is not rempant where i live. It IS possible ;)
I’m sorry but no. People are driven to out their frustration on whatever minorities or “people who abuse the system or whatever lies they are being told”. Thing is most common people are streched thin by the rule of our “civilized” societies and cannot afford spare brain time to really think. So i think maybe we talk about the same thing in the end…
As long as people does not understand healthcare is a basic need, therefor a public service purposely creating a hole in a budget, this will not be solved. Not the right society we live in…
The smile? That would be great :)
Don’t know why but this hit me hard: I’m not older than you, i am young for longer