It’s actually really good although the stuff in the picture looks like it wasn’t made very well.
It’s actually really good although the stuff in the picture looks like it wasn’t made very well.
I want to make a video game. Nothing big or ambitious, just something that makes me happy. I have programming experience, I just can’t stop procrastinating…
Watching streamers does help to temporarily escape from the cruelties of the world so I’d rather not hear about politics then. Many of the streamers I watch have commented on it, but not frequently, some only once after the election results came in. I think they understand people are watching them to get away from politics.
Hey thanks! My reply to you somehow was posted twice, so if you see another in your inbox that’s why. I deleted this one just before you replied but the other is still up.
As a trans woman, I don’t see HRT being pushed as the only way to be trans. I think the vast majority of us recognize that there are many different paths people take. I have a friend who can’t take HRT because of blood clotting issues they have, and they are still 100% valid. Even if someone’s health doesn’t prevent them from taking HRT and they just don’t want it, they are still valid as well. The people saying that HRT is necessary to be trans are known as transmedicalists and they are cringe.
Edit: This got double posted somehow, so I deleted the first one.
deleted by creator
Two kids were playing catch with a milk carton to see who it would burst on. One kid missed and it hit me and burst. I was blamed for it and the teacher tried to make me clean it up no matter how much I explained that I didn’t do anything wrong. Fortunately, those two kids owned up to it and they cleaned it up but the teacher was super upset about it and still insisted it was my fault. Idk if she had some sort of vendetta against me or if she just couldn’t accept that she was wrong and doubled down.
That guy’s account is 8 hours old. Everyone I’ve seen sucking orange nazi cock lately has been using new accounts. Very well could be bots or a troll farm.
I used to use a chain one and then I switched to a local one and I pay half as much as I used to.
Please use local drug stores. The chain stores are absolutely ripping you the fuck off.
I think most people interpret that shorthand literally just like I did, which then immediately turns them away. You could probably save yourself a lot of arguments by coming up with a different shorthand that more effectively communicates your point.
When I hear marxists say that all property should be collectively owned I imagine that means personal property as well, because if it doesn’t then it’s incorrect for them to say that they think all property should be collectively owned.
I think people should be able to have personal property. They should own their house and their yard. If they have a cabin up north, vacation home down south, or acres of wilderness that they hunt on, they should be able to own that too. I understand that the housing market is shit rn but I think that’s caused by flippers and the wealthy treating houses like stocks, and not by your neighbor Bob having a cabin or whatever.
Really I prefer the label of being a left leaning pluralist instead since it makes it clear that I am tolerant of varying ideologies but intolerant of extremism and political violence.
I’ve read a bit about Marxism-Leninism before because I like to be knowledgeable about different people’s viewpoints and ideologies. I agree that the workers should have ownership of what they produce and that products should be produced based on need and not profits. I also believe that we should flatten society’s hierarchical structure as much as possible since positions of power lead to abuse, however I don’t think it’s feasible to fully flatten it, because criminals still exist and I can’t think of a way prosecution would work without hierarchy. However, I do not believe that all property should be collectively owned and that is a turn off for me. Now that’s not the only thing that turns me off, but it is one of many.
I understand that we share several viewpoints but we also have several views we disagree on and I think that’s okay. I am extremely dubious of Marxism-Leninism because I have seen Marxist-Leninists support authoritarianism and deny genocide, but as long as you don’t, I’m chill. People are allowed to have their own opinions and as long as they aren’t harming anyone, again I’m chill with their existence. Generally I don’t talk about this, but I am Pagan, and with that comes the belief of pluralism which I apply not only to religious beliefs but also politics as well.
So I’m cool with socialism, and I consider myself to be socialist, but I don’t think communism and socialism are the same thing. I believe that communist countries have a communist system, not a socialist system. If they did have a socialist system, then they’d be socialists, not communists.
And what I’m saying about the trade unions is that I’m not against the existence of communist trade unions but I’d like there to be trade unions of other political ideologies as well, such as socialist ones, anarchist ones, etc.
I’d like to exist in a world where borders don’t matter and there aren’t any foreign governments trying to sabotage each other, but that’s not the state of reality today and idk if it will ever be, but I base my position on non-citizens being unable to vote based on the reality of what the world is today and if the world changes, then I’ll probably change my position as well, but I don’t see change like that happening in my lifetime.
I support immigration but allowing non-citizens to vote seems like an easy way for foreign governments to swing elections in their favor.
Yes, I get that the trade unions were their own thing but that doesn’t mean they can’t also be communist.
Several things in there I dislike:
Raising hands does not seem like an accurate way vote. Peasants who employed labor couldn’t vote. People could vote even if they weren’t citizens. No mention of being able to vote for non-communists. There are trade-unions and other candidates but it doesn’t mention their political alignment
That’s not even remotely true.
Here is what wikipedia actually says
The number of deaths and the extent of bloodshed in the square itself have been in dispute since the events. The government actively suppressed discussion of casualty figures immediately after the events, and estimates rely heavily on eyewitness testimony, hospital records, and organised efforts by victims’ relatives. As a result, large discrepancies exist among various casualty estimates. Initial estimates ranged from the official figure of a few hundred to several thousand.
I thought Minnesota was part of Canada. Why is it saying here that it’s a US state?
(Yes, this is a joke, although I wish it wasn’t)