. He theatrically exclaims how the Oval office is being dIsReSPecTed!!!111!
And Trump using the Oval Office to sell another of his silly red hats for personal profit earlier in the week wasn’t disrespecting it?
. He theatrically exclaims how the Oval office is being dIsReSPecTed!!!111!
And Trump using the Oval Office to sell another of his silly red hats for personal profit earlier in the week wasn’t disrespecting it?
So what’s Google doing? I assume they’re impacted by the same regulation.
The UK government has you that way too - you are legally compelled to reveal any passcodes if ordered by a court, and you’ll stay in prison until you do. (Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000)
But it at least does remove them from third party exposure (phone company, their AI, massive breaches etc), you just have to be sure your own security is good.
I think it’s the right move by Apple.
I don’t think it’s the right move by my Government to be ordering this.
Like most governments, the UK’s has a poor record on understanding technical standards (They’re still trying to implement age-restriction on porn sites, something that’s been ongoing for a decade) Backdoor or lack of encryption - both make data security impossible and make the lives of criminals a whole lot easier. We simply cannot have safe data this way.
*European Unity
Also: schadenfreude
It’s a good start, but it’s too slow to react and even slower to enforce. The effectiveness of playing by the rules is limited when someone blatantly isn’t.
(Not that I can suggest a better answer - this is entirely new ground)
Aww, that’s sweet. A real modern day love story.
The US cannot “annex” or “invade” Canada.
Both are key members of NATO. That means that all other members must defend any fellow country if it’s invaded. Almost the entire western world - INCLUDING AMERICA - would have to defend Canada.
It’s just Trump spreading lies and misinformation to distract from him stealing American’s money. Same as always.
The NATO Alliance consists of 30 member states from North America and Europe. Article Five of the treaty states that if an armed attack occurs against one of the member states, it should be considered an attack against all members, and other members shall assist the attacked member, with armed forces if necessary.
If, as most economists agree, tariffs hurt the importing country most - why would Canada do that to its own people?
I get the feeling many of these people are also preppers and actively yearn for a crash to justify spending their lives readying for it.
Democracy isn’t about getting your own way.
True democracy (Direct Democracy) can’t happen - you’d need to vote in every single decision. Without everyone’s decision, nothing could get done. It’s bad enough for a family of four to agree what movie to watch, let alone a whole country. It would be democratic if most people watched what they wanted, but the logistics for a country ain’t gonna work.
That’s why most Western countries in the world have Representative Democracy - we elect people to do that stuff on our behalf, and are aware of affecting factors. And by and large, it works. Sure, there are always failings and scandals and someone can point these out, because human beings like to cheat and have their own agendas, and of course, power corrupts. Sadly, there is no form of government that is safe from subversion.
If you don’t like a decision, vote for a representative that you think will do more of what you want. Or form an effective protest.
Poor guy.
Imagine qualifying as a lawyer - spending years learning the legal system and full of hope and promise. You’re going to change the world and make it a better place. Your life is spent working your way up in seniority until you land the ultimate case - prosecuting an ex president for fraud and corruption. You expose the lies and illegal manipulation and prove them beyond reasonable doubt. And against all odds, you win! Best day ever. Everyone slapping your back and telling you what a great guy you are, so clever, and this piece of shit is really going to get his comeuppance.
And then, despite knowing that they’re voting for a criminal, half the voting people of your country still elect him into office, knowing full well that he’s going to continue being the same awful human being that you proved him in court to be.
Justice, the system you’ve spent your life believing in and working for is pushed aside. The sentence is reduced to nothing - less than a starving person would get for stealing a loaf of bread to feed their family.
How the fuck do you continue after that?
How can you believe in any system that lets that happen?
Obviously he couldn’t, and I respect that. I’d be heading into the woods to get away from everyone.
Actually, I think you have a point. The candidacy selection is rigged. The whole fundraising and insane costs of electioneering is absolutely crazy - most other countries have laws specifically to limit campaigning funds, explicitly to stop rich people buying the top position.
What chance does an independent have to be president? Is the American Dream of a poor person being able to reach presidency still possible? Zero unless they get very rich, or have super rich friends.
It’s not hard to see why America is accused of being an Oligarchy - that’s exactly how it’s upper tier of politics is designed to operate.
I’m certain it’s not - but it doesn’t matter. Trump has proved that he is beyond the law in every way.
Clinton got impeached for lying and it ruined his credibility. Trump lies all the time and gets re-elected, but has no credibility to ruin.
Then I’d have someone else accusing me of ripping off this guy.
The guy is never going to run out of dead cats to grab headlines and avert attention from more important things.
You should do this for other countries too. America isn’t the only country with an idealised view of what other people think of them.
Nor the television (Scottish). Nor the radio (Canadian and Italian).
And, like every other member, that spending is entirely for self interest. Working together means being strong. Separation means you’re easier to pick off. Global war is a lot like horror films where they go to investigate and split up.