Largest shite found 🤣, perhaps im smaller
Largest shite found 🤣, perhaps im smaller
The voices in my head says “daily drive ParrotOS”
I’ve already changed mine to Ivan E. Wreckshun
Cybersec company ❌
Advertisement/Data mining ✔️
Use the fork Luke.
Beef twellington
Lookup downdetector, almost all are flatlines.
Sap is also doing silly rn. Im gonna take a smoke break lol
Hope the host not holding any grodge
Paired with tracksuit, simichki, kvass, vodka and hardbass.
Heels on the ground komrad
Legend says, Linus’ middle finger still stands today.
We will going to see some adblockers soon.
You have to watch 2 15seconds advertisements before you sleep.
And buy some firepower.
And the rain is gone. Its gonna be a bright , bright sun shiny crap.
I’ll be back
Huh, What?!
-Artillery men, Rock/Metal bands
Kingdom come union
*Nyan cat