Better Fandom would be my pick. There’s a usable website there but it’s buried under a mountain of clutter.
Better Fandom would be my pick. There’s a usable website there but it’s buried under a mountain of clutter.
I’ve heard tell that at the account level, individual users can turn off things like free movies & TV series, enhanced search results and all that to get a cleaner experience.
I the web UI, mouse over your avatar, go to account settings, and disable pretty much everything under ‘online media sources’. Enjoy the pure, clean Plex experience. Just see what the server offers, no more, no less.
I hear Plex has a lovely, sleek interface once you turn off certain unneeded bells & whistles.
idk tho
I wonder if they couldn’t have just switched to NAT-PMP port forwarding like Proton does.
Came here to post this. If seeding is important to you, and I hope it kinda is, then you need port forwarding. So Mullvad is out, or at least I switched away from it.
Even the end of the preview notes it’s more likely to assist workers than replace them, as it stands now.