Down in it is so bad it’s good. If you don’t take it seriously, it’s actually funny.
Down in it is so bad it’s good. If you don’t take it seriously, it’s actually funny.
The entire point of this post is that Google felt entitled to violate your privacy by detecting your ad blocker. It’s an arms race. If they are free to dictate their terms of service, we are free to dictate what gets displayed on our own computers.
The normies support big tech, they love it. They probably work for big tech, or wish they did, or at least imagine themselves as the next Elon Musk.
You don’t have the same incentive to quit sugar either. It’s not illegal, it won’t make you crash your car and kill someone, the police won’t arrest you for driving under the influence of sugar, you won’t lose your job because you were caught using sugar, your family won’t leave you because of your sugar habit, strangers won’t feel ashamed or depressed if they see you using sugar in a public place etc.
Sure, there is obesity and diabetes, but they are directly caused by an excess of calories, not sugar. Sugar might make you eat more, or so people say, but does it really? You can still overeat plenty of greasy salty stuff.
I did it many times and it wasn’t awful in any way. If you cut all carbs, that’s different though, and it has little to do with addiction and a lot to do with your body entering ketosis. That’s not to deny that food can be addictive. Anything can be addictive. People get addicted to porn, phones and computer games after all. But people blow this sugar thing way out of proportion.
If it really bothers you, every time you realise you did this, delete the previous word before the F and retype it, maybe even a few times, while paying attention to every movement. Slowing down helps too.
And clearly AI-generated image.