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Cake day: June 23rd, 2024


  • Smoking became disgusting when the campain against smoking became effective.

    Bullshit. My non-smoking parents called smoking disgusting in the 80s and probably before that. It became disgusting when addicts smoked everywhere without consideration for others, like in restaurants or on trains.

    So what many people perceive as a disgusting habbit today is the effect of conditioning and propaganda. Smokers also had long lasting relations with non-smokers, now it is unthinkable a smoker and a non-smoker to even go out for a coffee together.

    The fuck are you on about? I have no problem doing stuff with smokers and have had nobody ever claiming otherwise. Just don’t smoke in a way that affects me.

    I am also surprised this discussion has gone so far so long and nobody has mentioned sugar and its bi-products (soft drinks, candy, sweets, …) Is there such an addiction recognized and known as dangerous?

    Nice whataboutism. Btw, as far as I know, the same bodies pushing for regulating smoking and drinking more are also in favor of addressing this issue. And now matter how relevant it might be, your just detailing here.

    Type-B diabetes has become common even for kids, especially in the west.

    Sorry, I know types 1 and 2 only.

    The sweetest thing you will find in China doesn’t even taste sweet, and if you offer a middle eastern pastry to a Chinese person they put half a spoon in their mouth and think they are about to die.

    Which China?

  • Not even in Israel, all Jews agree with how things are handled by the government (and I’m well aware that Israel isn’t all Jews, but also various Arab ethnicities).

    Just because a person is Jewish doesn’t mean they need to justify why they oppose the government of Israel. I’m not pressing Christians here either about whether they oppose the actions of the Trump administration which is heavily influenced by evangelicals. But this is unfortunately where Antisemitism kicks in: it’s the thinking that Jews are a kind of global cabal, and everyone living in diaspora is a kind of agent. So they’re responsible for any bad actions done by Jews anywhere.

  • There are just so many holes in that theory that I don’t believe it, biochemist or not.

    First and unrelated to any biochemical processes being that you claim that “it reacts with alcohol to produce the effects now known to kids all around the world”. But kids for sure don’t mix these with alcohol, the discussion here was always about marketing the drinks to kids while they have caffeine and high sugar. Not that they mix it with alcohol.

    Second, at least for other previously legal substances that evaded existing laws that I read into, molecules were attached to existing substances (e.g. 1p-LSD) which in the body lost the attached molecule. However, the companies producing these had to handle LSD, and for that had a license. If this approach was used here, the energy drink companies would need to have licenses to handle methamphetamine and its predecessors.

    Third, most chemical reactions are a bit more complicated than “just add ethanol”.

    Lastly, it was you who made an unsubstantiated claim and, citing Hitchen’s razor, “what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence”.

    At least tobacco takes decades to kill you but will keep your mind sharp if you need it.

    Are you implying tobacco is less bad for your brain than amphetamines?

    After his mother’s death in 1971 he started taking antidepressants and amphetamines, despite the concern of his friends, one of whom (Ron Graham) bet him $500 that he could not stop taking them for a month. Erdős won the bet but complained that it impacted his performance: “You’ve showed me I’m not an addict. But I didn’t get any work done. I’d get up in the morning and stare at a blank piece of paper. I’d have no ideas, just like an ordinary person. You’ve set mathematics back a month.” After he won the bet, he promptly resumed his use of Ritalin and Benzedrine.


    Not that I’m recommending this.

  • You need to read this in the context of the post I replied to. I don’t doubt what you’re saying. But there was an implication that for some people, alcohol was the “healthier alternative” to smoking that they’re now not using but instead smoke (which is supposed to be even less healthy, personally I can’t rank their impact on health on a good foundation but this is what was implied).

    I know people self-medicate and that others use recreationally. But I’m sure alcohol and tobacco industry don’t give a fuck about the legality of the other. If anything, there’s probably a synergy.

  • SSRIs and SNRIs helped a lot of people, going after them is a recipe for disaster.

    Sure, I’d prefer if fewer people needed them, and they do have downsides. But in my opinion, the reasons for the mental conditions that require treatment are mostly societal, and there are no signs of these improving.

    What’s the alternative going to be? Tricyclics? Therapy for everyone? I suspect it’s a “fuck you” to everyone affected.

    My only hope is that he’ll actually push for legalisation of psychedelics which in some cases might offer an alternative, though they come with their own downsides (e.g. a friend of mine is on SSRIs but probably couldn’t replace them with psychs for his depression because he had panic attacks and could be at risk for psychosis).

    Luckily we aren’t US citizens.