It’s the juiciest content. But not recommended for people susceptible to rageboners or rage bait as fun as it can be. It’s like a hard drug, gotta keep usage in check.
It’s the juiciest content. But not recommended for people susceptible to rageboners or rage bait as fun as it can be. It’s like a hard drug, gotta keep usage in check.
What? This is a nothing comment. Your original comment is very clear. Ok, not us American. Still a tosser
Wtf? Are you that cooked you just can’t swallow your US pride even when your leaders are this foul? Uncanny. Where is the line for you? What do you need before you are willing to write off something USA?
“US chances at…”
Need to be added to the start. As if other countries aren’t somehow capable is such an USamericanism.
I had to fight the urge to pop that cunt in the nose through my phone the entire time and I’m a non violent rational taoist. I havnt felt like that since before I was 20.
If he is ever in Australia, I will be taking the opportunity to clock him in the jaw or at least throw a shoe.
Edit: I should add, some of us down under have a knack for getting past security lines/security is very lax here even when world leaders are here. Look up what ‘The Chaser’ did when APEC or whatever it was called was here years ago. Or the bloke telling the pm to get off his front yard, or the bloke who head butt the previous pm.
As an Australian.Do not trust us when it comes to privacy, security especially in tech or the digital space.
We are not a nation descendant of ‘convicts’ but of prison guards and other colonial boot lickers.
We are US lite or US 10years ago or maybe their tearing ground. Can’t figure it out.
Wait, you bought/gave money to Proton so early in its life? Why do people keep falling for these over and over.
If a ‘can run on low resources sustainably’ is legit, going to have test and wait for it to see first.
Otherwise we need to accept what we can and can’t have based on what is possible without being greedy and at someone else’s expense.
Yer but I’m still waiting for tarboy 2, fully knowing it’s not happening
I’m an Australian, but I have watched ‘don’t be a sucker’ so many times.
Such solid GOOD propaganda. Easy to find for those who have not seen it
Great, now I’m hungry for a battered sav
Wipe my arse with it so all the shits of the world die.
Hadn’t seen the variation of pasta before. Feels like the perfect X years later of the original
And it’s pseudo anon anyway/unreliable info anyway