If you want to be more grounded, try the black one next time.
If you want to be more grounded, try the black one next time.
Positive or negative?
Sorry, I only grabbed the one.
I can not. I snapped the picture a month or so ago in passing.
No clue. I found it at EPO in Houston. That place is an electronics goldmine if you go in only hoping to find old and obscure. Its amazing.
The Emby mobile music player is awful. For whatever reason it will play and show your history on the desktop/server side but it doesn’t keep track on the mobile app.
Yeah I keep trying to move to the woods but my wife wants to be around people for some reason lol
My tolerance of noise and light pollution has gone way the hell down as I have gotten older. I want to live in the woods at this point.
Yeah, I get that. Standard operating procedure for something as valuable as an aircraft carrier should still be to schedule transit so that it can sit in a position protected by escorts until it is it’s turn to go.
Realistically, the carrier should probably have half it’s escorts go first and form a protective envelope on the destination side before it enters, then the remaining escorts follow providing rear cover.
A ship getting there by accident means someone also could have done it on purpose without the crew knowing it was an attack (this time)
Its sloppy at best, neglegent at worst and not a good look either way.
How/why was a merchant ship allowed to be anywhere near an aircraft carrier? Did the US learn nothing from the USS Cole?
Lowest score so far…
Well, there’s your problem is another one.
Laws that protect but do not bind, and laws that bind but do not protect.
I watched Full Metal Jacket this year at 34 and it was still pretty rough.
I don’t have a recommendation but I have been looking for similar products. I am considering an esata setup to add my secondary array or a hotswap housing for switching backup drives. There are some pcie to esata adapters, you then just need power. Keeping it sata helps mitigate the risks of usb DAS connections with respect to corruption allegedly.
I don’t have a recommendation but I have been looking for similar products. I am considering an esata setup to add my secondary array. There are some pcie to esata adapters, you then just need power. Keeping it sata helps mitigate the risks of usb DAS connections with respect to corruption allegedly.
A decent chunk of that is in The Food Lab cookbook.
I’m using emby for music, audiobooks, tv, and movies. You can also do picture backup/sync if you want. I am running it in a docker on my unraid server.
You can get adapters to partially refill them from the 20lb bottles.
I would absolutely buy orbitz if they remade them even though they were mostly garbo.