As someone who relies on Starlink to get functional Internet access? Please, please give me more options.
As someone who relies on Starlink to get functional Internet access? Please, please give me more options.
Seems more like a feature considering how ESP32s are used.
I’m honestly somewhat offended at the mere suggestion that this could be acceptable.
Her. Even better, one of them womenfolk the right is so afraid of.
Git is significantly better than the alternatives. Don’t conflate git and GitHub, they’re entirely different.
Canon has a tank printer line too. Absolutely recommend any tank printer (you’ll have to check reviews for specifics obviously).
Have you considered talking to her about your concerns? Punishment and chastising instead of proper discussion will just lead to circumvention.
I injured myself watching that.
AURORA came to mind immediately as a trio candidate.
Oh, don’t get me wrong, I have an issue with factory farming too, but one evil doesn’t absolve another.
Only if we’re planning on going all “home alone” on them when they arrive.
No, it’s not a joke, some people are that fucking stupid.
Yes, and many planes and jets are glued together too. This isn’t your cheap school glue. That said, Tesla’s good at fucking up, so who knows what they did wrong. Probably everything.
Adhesive binding can be significantly stronger than mechanical bonding when done right.
…when done right. Yeah. Guess where I’m putting my money.
You joke, but you have no idea how much speed tape gets used on the average plane…
Yup, and can confirm, it upgraded smoothly with no hiccups.
You bastard. Is nothing sacred?
If you’re not already aware, almost that exact warning message exists on steam now.
It’s an actual movie.