Words have lost all meaning. These days people think any picture or screenshot is a meme.
Words have lost all meaning. These days people think any picture or screenshot is a meme.
This always bugged me a little, but when I saw how much support the mobile Animal Crossing game got, it really made me sad. They poured money and development resources into that game, but left the full price, multi million seller behind after a year, and it still lacks many features of its predecessors. I love the game and still play it off and on, but damn. It could have really been the pinnacle of the series.
Unless I kissed something, those people he fired are still fired. The people he deported are still deported. What does my belief, or lack thereof, accomplish? “Don’t believe him,” might be good advice for the people tasked with announcing or carrying out his illegal orders, but those orders are still real and are still happening. If those people don’t believe him and refuse to carry out those orders, then we’re getting somewhere. But you and me and everyone else in this thread? I don’t see how our beliefs are going to counter the damage being done.
After the Central Park 5, it’s mind boggling that any black person would ever vote for him.
And the best part is the media will cover for them by saying it’s “economic anxiety,” just as they did in 2016.
Why would he? Behavior like that has worked out well for him most of his life. Not only that, but it’s an election winning strategy.
Thanks! I’ll give this a watch.
I wasn’t able to disable Copilot in Office without threatening to cancel via my account management page. It’s only then that they give you the option to fall back to the originally priced plan that specifically doesn’t include Copilot. And even after that, Copilot apparently won’t be removed from my locally installed copies of the Office apps until my plan renewal date in April! I’m pretty sure I’m gonna use the time to transition all my documents to LibreOffice and fully cancel my MS Office plan before it renews.
Which video was this?
I’m one of like 5 people on the planet who still uses his minidisc player. I’ve bought some of the blank minidiscs Sony was still making. Seeing them finally end production hurts. I have a bunch of minidiscs already, but I feel like I should stock up before prices go nuts.
According to all my non-techy friends back in the day, you’re right. They weren’t able to browse the web without their browsers looking like this:
Several years ago, they were bought by Kape (formerly Crossrider), which is a company that started off making malware (browser toolbars that bundled unwanted software and other advertising software). I jumped from PIA to Proton once I found out. I’m paying more, but I can trust Proton more. They’re not a malware company, after all.
Because people are very dumb and we’d have a Wii U situation where large amounts of people would think it’s some optional add on for the Switch.
I would be there day fucking one for that. I have zero artistic talent, but Mario Paint was one of my favorite SNES games. If they do this, I really hope they keep that fly swatter mini game.
It wouldn’t even be the first time Nintendo released a mouse.
My favorite part about this is that I saw this while sitting on the can within 20 mins of waking up. 😂
Are you talking about the highways? If so, those gave me trouble at first too, but I figured it out. Once you select one from the toolbar, tap a point on the map. That’ll be where it starts. Then, tap the location of the destination, and the highway will form itself automatically connecting those two points.
Hottest year on record so far.
That’s not what happened in this situation, but it is how we got those flat earther idiots. Femcel was a term used for years, even back on reddit, long before the API controversy and the exodus to Lemmy.
Gboard wouldn’t need to take screenshots. It can see what you’re typing as you’re typing it. As far as what your contacts are saying, if they’re using Gboard, it’s the same for them. And even if Google doesn’t admit it, we all know they’re correlating every single data point about people they can get, which includes who talks to who. I wouldn’t be surprised if they know you’re talking to a particular person and tailors your suggestions to fit the conversation. This is an even stronger possibility if you’re using one of Google’s messaging apps.