6.79 out here in rural nebraska, they were 3.50 a month ago
6.79 out here in rural nebraska, they were 3.50 a month ago
$800 Rent is cheap in this economy
Ikr, just saw an ad for a nearby apartment wanting 1,200$ a month for a studio apartment… in Nebraska
Again, the “how you live” thing again, in your opinion, what is the “correct” way to live?
That’s a terrible way to look at the situation, did you ever wonder why it was even necessary in the first place to do that to yourself?
Yeah that inital response gave me the impression that they live in a completely different situation than what I, and most of the people I know IRL are experiencing. Typical rent prices out here are 120% the sum of 2 weeks of minimum wage pay, not including utilities
In my case I’m subleasing so I’m paying off my Landlords’ Landlord’s fifth mortgage
≥ Mortgage You lost me there, renting is much more expensive than paying a mortgage off
My parents were Gen X but they faithfully followed the boomer mindset
Me and my fiancee both work full time to just barely survive each month with no savings because the CoL is so fucking high it’s unmaintainable. And if you reply with “just move”, first: I’m in the midwest, it’s not AS bad out here, and second: Moving is a privilege, it’s expensive, time consuming, and often times you end up in a worse spot than you were before
Yep, just bought one the other day and it was about 1/8th" shorter than my previous phone
I don’t even need to watch this gif to remember the horrors
Already bought it, I put some hours into the demo and that’s only like 5 songs
There has to be something seriously wrong with them because they chose to reply like that, scary deflection
Leftover calzones
Isn’t that the guy from donut?
Incredible luck
The only consistant thing about conservatives over history is that they are almost always against good social progress, the ones of the past just had more sturdy spines