• 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • I think this is where the nuance is and where the things can go off the rails. Your example is that you want to more easily be connected with people that you enjoy engaging with but find it hard to find - which you did attempt to find a work around for, which I do commend.

    I think because of the volume of scale of the internet it has been fine-tuned and engineered towards benefiting the major players more as they have taken convenience features and frankenstein’d it into a tool of “increased engagement”.

    It is like a market square and everyone is shouting out their wares at the same time and the major players (and others) have done their research on how to be the “loudest and most attention-grabbing hawker at the square”

    Here the algorithm approach is useful to help “silence the sea of voices” and find “hawkers” that sell “products” that are of interest to you. It does require some discipline on the users part to curate their “hawkers”, but overall the experience is improved as one deals with “products” that is aligned with one’s interests.

    I feel, in general, however that the intent has been twisted into something that has become a slippery slope that slides down towards “how can I get eyes on my thing and keep people coming back” for as long as possible. One’s attention gets bombarded with as many ideas as possible and, from this, one’s scope starts to bloat and becomes muddy as one processes too many different ideas and viewpoints in a short time frame and as a result one spends less time forming a individual opinion. I believe this does contribute to shorter attention spans as we attempt to “offload” our thinking onto something else as we try to make sense of all the information we take in.

    The easiest thing I can think of is TikTok and how quickly the short video format was incorporated into the big platforms.

    It is a human shortcoming I feel that gets taken advantage of (and I feel like it is being cultivated) and as humans we do have a side to us that tries to optimise the shit out of a things - often to our detriment.

  • Build 42 unstable right now, is more single player until they iron out everything for a stable release.

    I would say if you don’t mind playing build 41 until they release build 42 stable - then short story long:

    I can be fun with friends, but if you want to play without having to worry about too much grind then it is best to play with sandbox settings and tweak gameplay towards what you and your friends find fun.

    The world can made persistent, but your individual character is unique and when they die you would have to respawn with a new character

    There are mods that do help with the starting out from scratch bit:

    https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2503622437&searchtext=journal - make a journal that stores a characters stats so you don’t have a grind a new character again)

    The sandbox settings are very flexible (and mods can make it even more so) and you can even play in a world without zombies if you wish

  • Firstly, I feel offended you reduced the giant mecha vs a dragon cinematic to robot vs a doll army :P

    Ff9 did the “all powerful god” but it is really a wtf out of no where momement that can feel jarring with the themes of the game - a ludonarrative narrative dissonance, unless I missed some obscure reference to it somewhere

    I would argue that ff6 wrote a less jarring “kill a god” fight:


    Although pulling ideas from christianity, it has a psychopathic clown ascend to godhood, shatter the world and sit a top his “heavenly throne” shooting god rays from the sky on a whim

    The fight then is a series of killing his “angels” before finally destroying him and shattering his “heaven”

  • That is a shame, I would have thought that she would have some measure of control after the events of the first game

    Especially, since the burden she was carrying was lifted.


    I guess she has a severe case of the “blessing” that she disassociates with reality regularly and is unable to discern what is real and what is not as she lives a life of what she thinks is real as truth.

    I guess I can see that happening without any form of medication or therapy and only having her own thoughts to live with after the traumatic events of her past

  • FF 8 Spoiler Response


    If I recall, Squall sees a defeated Ultimecia staggering and ready to pass her powers on before dying, but Edea stops him from finishing her off They sort of have a conversation and SeeD is mentioned and young Squall comes running to Edea

    Rinoa grew on me, at first hated the brattiness but over time she grew on me as a character who acts a blunt force determined to break Squall out of his shell. The Ragnarok scene and her becoming a sorceress locked her in as she matured and leaned on Squall for support in a reversal of her wanting to be his support and Squall being more “human”

    The real love story is Zell and Hot Dogs (oh, almost forgot, Pig-tail girl)

    Laguna and Raine was a lot more wholesome and mature with it not having any internal drama. The drama is more external elements leading to a more bitter sweet tale of Laguna accomplishing his mission but living with guilt of his failures

  • FF8 spoiler response


    Yeah, I agree especially with her being a tragic character her final lines sounds line someone desperate:

    “Recall a memory from your childhood. The sensations, emotions, the words from back then. Growing up means leaving something behind and throwing something away. Time will not wait, no matter how hard you hold onto it, it escapes you. And …”,

    especially considering how Ellone’s powers work

    I think it is repeated (at least once already) or she achieved some form of omnipotence with her time compression as her plans seem to have a definitive goal to them like she knows who to look for (Adel and Ellone) and what to do to achieve her ends. Edea (forgot her name) probably still had enough power to “guide” her a bit but ultimately she was overpowered most likely, until Ultimecia released her power to hop to the next one.

    Yeah, Squall could have finished that in a few ways - although, I guess seeing Ultimecia survive (especially after she implanted that final thought, in retrospect), his instincts probably didn’t want to take the chance of her time hopping again and wanted the time line to be prepared. Also he couldn’t kill an innocent person either and risk one of the orphans getting the power as Edea tells him

    The love story between Squall and Rinoa can be melodramatic, but it is done well enough with Rinoa peeling away the layers of edge off of Squall.

    Laguna and Raine though, I agree was a lot better and I think Raine understood the type of person Laguna was and supported him - her personality was like his in some ways. She probably saw Ellone as a daughter as well and knew how far he would go to protect her, which is why she probably kept her pregnancy quiet to not distract him on his quest to save their “daughter”.

  • spoiler

    In a way, I guess technically her goal was very godlike as she wanted to control and compress time to create a favourable timeline for herself.

    That goal however just created a self-fulling circular loop prophesy as her fear of SeeD was ultimately her demise.

    As for the time shenanigans:

    • Her being killed by your group in the future leads to her essence finding Cid’s Wife as a host in the past
    • Leads to the founding of SeeD
    • Introduce main character and group for the game
    • Leads to perpetuating a cycle

    I suppose one can think of her desperately trying to win a time loop and going mad from failure



    Laguna’s Love Story wasn’t too bad, although a little on the nose for Squall falling in love with Laguna’s first Crush, but him settling down with Raine was bitter sweet at the end.

  • Haven’t finished 1,2,3 but spoilers below:


    Ff4 - have to stop a vengeful manifestation of an advanced race

    Ff5 - stopping a tree

    Ff6 - stopping a clown’s divinity

    Ff7 - well, that is more an alien with support from the spirit of the planet protecting itself

    Ff8 - sorceressess and time shenanigans

    Ff9 - ends with an abrupt challenge from a death god to convince it not to delete the current universe

    Ff10 - and be transported to a land where a dominant religion is enforced through the power of a wmd that is maintained by “faith”

    Ff12 - prevent the folly of a man trying to become a god, through the power of a renegade of the universe godhood pantheon

    Ff13 - become pawns of higher beings wanting to stop the nihilism of one of its brethen tired of the infinite cycle

  • I would say anyone interested in the game a general rule of thumb would be trash mobs and easy fights = real time and bosses and difficult fights turn based.

    One can luckily change that on the fly.

    I mean if one is confident in their micro, then one can do most of the game in real time, but the game does have enemy encounters that just feel unfair when fighting real time while feeling better tuned in turn based.

    Good game though as one journeys through one of initially 2 “ascension” paths that can eventually branch out into one of 10 different paths as one takes the fight against, technically, gods - but not in the heavenly sense.

  • The original 3D Prince of Persia trilogy - If I had to pick one I liked the most ( or left the strongest impression), then Warrior Within for the shear guilty pleasure of using time powers to hear what the Dahaka says to the Prince when it is chasing him and the story of the angsty, emo prince being knocked down a peg and starts the decision to take responsibility for his actions


    Specifically “killing” his old self and confronting Dahaka in a show of him finally deciding to challenge his fate instead of running away

    I will admit Sands of Time had the most engaging story though and that The Two Thrones shook up the formula a bit with the a bigger focus on combat with the transformation ( which is a like a meta-narrative nod to the changes the Prince undertook over the course of the trilogy)

  • Pathfinder WoTR is an overall improvement, but Pathfinder Kingmaker also has its charms.

    It feels like playing a DnD campaign with the developers acting as the DM.

    It does require some metagaming if one wants to experience everything, it does have an ending act that drags on for too long, it can feel oppressive with the disaster timers ticking away while one is still trying to figure out a rhythm and it can end up with things spiraling into danger if one doesn’t “rush” and plan around each main act quest.

    It is one of those rough games that does have a certain appeal to those that do not mind working through the frustrations for a more grounded adventure - relative to the setting.

    Tyranny, from a world building experience was great, felt like it was short an act though as I got to the final act and thought - “wait, what is that it?”

    Also it is refreshing to have a game where morality is fluid and open to interpretation and up to the player to rationalise their actions, where the decisions lean more towards following an ideology more than morality

    For a Warhammer cRPG, Rogue Trader is something to consider as well as it captures the feel of its setting pretty well

  • Having people use me for their own self satisfaction

    Finding out a “friend” is trying to hit on someone I liked after expressly telling them to stay in their lane, as they were very loose in their commitment to a relationship.

    Attempting to have a relationship born on open and honest communication, to which it gets misinterpreted which leads to a situation where I would have been more forgiving if they told me about it before deciding to do something rather than tell me the next day about it.

    Having one’s decision to accept something, feel bad about it and then come back to that the person and in accepting them again have them brag about something, double back on it and then try to make their own terms to try, with a time limit, to smooth over the offense - basically being tone-deaf to how I was feeling

    Being promised something repeatedly, put up with a lot of non-sense, then with the promise in sight, asked not to participate as I watch the dream die in front of me

    Being told I do not qualify for a bonus because I was “legally” employeed a month too late and only qualify at year 3

    Having someone drag me into a social situation (a group chat room), then then proudly brag about something good they did with someone who I abhor

    Working my ass off and my fellow employee taking it easy ( like sitting in the lunch room easy)

    Repeatedly reporting a problem and because of the problem having a knock on effect on work efficiency, leads to another problem, that then the managerment is eager to gaslight how it can be a problem. A problem mind you, that the regional manager asked why their aren’t enough people and that I should insist when I am alone - which the manager would never want to have it reported or bother to properly resolve.

    Going into an interview with one of the interviewees showing an attitude of such disinterest that I feel it would have been better to walk out as they clearly show no interest

    Having to deal with someone dumping me for an ex( maybe not dump so much as having fallen for someone and then being thrown away after I could not serve a purpose), the moment I mentioned I felt a bit jealous, to then realise that I was only an attempt to get back at the ex for what they did(infidelity), which I did not take well made worse by working in the same place and having said person rub it in my face,essentially, how they are going back out

    This then got worse when she showed a bunch of people where I lived which made me, I guess, put me in a dangerous mindset as I felt my actions were putting my family at risk and the “monkey brain” response was wanting to remove that risk. That got directed towards writing an inflammatory letter to her, which the little bitch of a boyfriend came with 2 of his friends to threaten me at work. He threatened violence after work, I got excited, followed by a self realisation of what the hell and proceeded to have a panic attack as tried to come to terms how excited I was getting at the thought of wanting to go out in a blaze of anger and glory.

    People telling me they understand, when their actions repeatedly and clearly show me that they, in fact, do not understand

    Asking someone to politely, at first, not doing something - like leave crumbs in the margarine (vegetable butter) or margarine in the jam, have it ignored and continue to do it

    Using a electric kettle and only pouring enough water for themselves, as the water quality leaves residue in the water and requires it to be thrown out, and in my case given a wipe, when the water is too low. This leads to having to use the kettle twice

    Being told to meet someone at a club, be an idiot and wait 4 stupid hours in the cold and rain outside waiting for them, telling me all sorts of bullshit, while they were in the club the whole time

    Being told I was an equity employment - I guess for the Americans know it as D.E.I, and told I would basically be stuck at the position I will be applying for. A few years later, I am in essense doing work outside of speciality for the lower position pay, which the company was transistioning towards, I hate it because they are doing everything they can to “extract value while cutting costs” and pushing that narrative and then when I do not perform to satisfaction be rhetorically asked if do I not want to be promoted - which I know is just a bs ploy to try make me work harder because I will never be promoted.

    Having my personal social information be discussed behind my back without asking permission - example having someone tell my parents above my relationship with someome in high school.

    In high school,telling someome to leave me alone and they repeatedly violated that space, made worse when my parents allowed said person to come near when I expressly displayed in action to not want to engage with them. It ended up with a emotive kangaroo kick when they pushed to far and me going for a very angry through bushes to avoid being followed.

    I do not know if all this qualifies, but that is all I can think of off the top of my head, I am willing to amend points that do not meet criteria

  • I understand that

    It was years between the robbery ( headed back home after spending time with my then girlfriend) and the attempted assault ( work decided to have me work around that area) and I would always be uneasy but trying not to look like a too easy a mark again while thinking of “what if” scenarios as it feels like one’s intution is on a fine tuned edge being alert for anything that seems suspicious.

    I guess it could be described as practical fear

    After the attack, I was insistent and since then do my utmost to keep as far away from that area as possible.

    I will admit, I also felt apprehension like how you might have felt like when I started posting details

  • I was paranoid as I was robbed in that area before to which I froze, but the police were around then and arrested one of the suspects.

    The paranoia part comes from thinking that they might have wanted revenge as I ID’d and provided a statement that allowed it to be prosecuted ( got a call from a prosecutor) for the robbery.

    So the immediate thought was if it was payback, as they said nothing through the whole ordeal, but realistically, if it was they would have not run away so quickly or took advantage of my poor positioning.

    The most rationale thinking in hindsight is that it was a bunch of meth-heads were looking for quick score and by me escalating they decided for a quick and dirty robbery instead.

    That area where I used to work is dangerous and I know I got really lucky considering considering the type of incidents that do happen there