It is if your intention is to not introduce carbon into the atmosphere over the 60 year life’s lifespan to 90 year lifespan of the power plant
Based Jaded & Stoned
It is if your intention is to not introduce carbon into the atmosphere over the 60 year life’s lifespan to 90 year lifespan of the power plant
The room by Cormac McCarthy?
When the Moss and mildew and mold grow in, it just adds to the naturalism
Humans and dinosaurs have a common ancestor, but it’s further up the tree than the dinosaurs. Mammals broke off from the reptile tree so whenever that split happened, that’s who you’re looking for. If you want to follow this train of thought further, we are all from the same primordial soup of bacteria. You me the birds, the bees, the bears, all of it.
Actually Sudden Impact same actor tho https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xy-eMIXT4LM
It’s a reference to the movie Dirty Harry
Do they not have pot where you live? Made me laugh so hard that I choked on a dab.
It didn’t look superficially great though. There were people and estates that looked and were fabulously wealthy. But in the context of the country just coming out of reconstruction… It’s not really so much that things were terrible and getting worse. It’s that things were terrible. Got better and then stagnated. Instead of the entire country developing economically in equal measures a select few entities were sucking up all of the resources.
To put it another way in the year 2024 our policies are very heavily driven by the Reaganomics policies of the 1980s. Just like the early 1900s were very heavily driven by the end of the civil war reconstruction Policies knock on effects.
You have a very interesting definition. I’m not going to call it incorrect but I will call it based.
That’s not correct, there was a correction from the '30s to the '60s. It’s just we stopped caring in the 60s.
have you considered that you might be on the autism spectrum? 50% basing that off your description 50% basing that off your username. Normies hardly read xkcd
Tbh it’s more sad than funny. I weep for the lack of reading comprehension in these kids
My apologies comrade druge. I can see that the only moral abortion is your abortion. I did not realize I was addressing Stalin himself comrade.
If you follow your own line of logic, the mere fact that you have electricity puts you well above many people in developing countries, let alone the fact that you have a personal dwelling in which resides a personal electronic device to utilize that electricity. If you haven’t figured it out by me calling you a kulak yet you may want to look up what would qualify a peasant farmer as a kulak. Hint it would be anybody that is middle class. Sounds like you would be a passive kulak.
Your failure to reply to an official party summons for comment during the last 3 hours has been noted. As such, we have determined that the proper procedure will be re-education.
All right kulac time to surrender your phone / PC. It’s a clear sign of your wealth hording.
It’s not eternal and it’s not fiery damnation those are both fanfiction novels you’re referring to.
You also have to consider that God is a nth dementional elderich being that exists outside of time.
From my understanding and reading of early Christian texts and judeo texts. If you do end up in hell or some other place, you don’t experience the time as linear time. More like everybody shows up at once and then leaves at once to the next place.
Oh it’s really simple. You will have been removed as a moderator for defacing Reddit content. Reddit will then ban you. Aunt reinstate their authority and make sure that their user base has full access to their content . Remember next time to not be a pesky little shit . How dare you try to block spaz and his followers from accessing content that you created but they own . /S Ask me how I know
Don’t you understand line must go up, quarterly profits now consequences never .what the fuck is a long-term investment. Get that ideology out of my power plant this instant. /S