Is this another situation like the blobfish, where the photos of it are just what it looks like when the body has been destroyed from the change in pressure but it actually looks underwhelming at the depths it normally lives in?
Is this another situation like the blobfish, where the photos of it are just what it looks like when the body has been destroyed from the change in pressure but it actually looks underwhelming at the depths it normally lives in?
Sad, I wonder how the captions work
Im able to read the accessible caption on the Voyager app by clicking the image itself :)
You’ll see exactly why if you look into sbujb’s post history (spoiler: it’s to piss people off and get comments like yours)
Edit: So I genuinely cannot find the posts in their post history anymore, but I present to you exhibits A and B (taken January 26th)
Oh is it?? I loved my pixel 3 and when it was time for an upgrade the pixel 7 was the flagship and was way too big. I switched over to a Samsung s21 5g and it’s been a decent size, but I’m at a loss for what to do when this one inevitably dies on me. Glad to hear the newer pixels are potentially one-handable for my tiny hands.
It’s not inherently derogatory, but it does hold a connotation if you refer to women as females particularly in contexts where you wouldn’t/don’t refer to men as males.
How does a custom compiler make it easier to hide your tracks from the feds?
Out of curiosity, what country?
That’s not exactly how storage works, at least in my experience. The first week is generally when the largest items get installed in my experience (all the core programs and games that I need) and the rest gets slowly filled up over time barring other larger installs.
Stolen from a recent post on rpgmemes@ttrpgnetwork that I can’t find anymore
Edit: nevermind, found it here:
What is helium used for when diving?
Really awesome response, thanks for sharing a different opinion on all the points people have been bringing up in this thread.
Well I guess I need to start looking for another non-chromium-based browser soon…
I had another reply that gave a decent reason to support the meme :)
Wuh oh, I’m OOTL here, what’s happening to Firefox?
Oh that makes way more sense thank you.
Chicken wearin pants