Ironically, it’s called “Filer a l’anglaise” (leaving the English way) in France
Ironically, it’s called “Filer a l’anglaise” (leaving the English way) in France
As far as I remember they weren’t monetizing NSFW subs, so I guess their reasoning is that banning them reduces server costs while not impacting their ads revenue.
Now what will be interesting is to see how much of Reddit’s userbase was there at least partly for the porn, and how many users will leave Reddit altogether because of this move
Imagine, as a senior federal employee, seeing a 25 yo nerd barging into your office uninvited and asking you questions without revealing as much as their name. US feds really must be paragons of politeness and patience for not telling them to fuck off right away
So when his minister of education said that there was an “islamo-leftism” problem in French universities, that was Lepen’s fault? What about when his interior minister told Lepen that he fault she was getting a bit too soft on immigration? Or when Macron himself said, about two weeks ago, that African countries should thank France for all it did to them? Or when he told us that the left was as dangerous as the far-right?
I could go on for pages
I didn’t know I needed this in my life but this strikes a chord in me
That documentary made me feel a bit sick at the time, especially given how popular it was despite making a ton of unbacked claims and taking weird sides
And, just like that, 2025 is already up for a very good start
As a bonus, Gerber means “to vomit” in French
And decision-makers at that company feeling good about themselves at no cost whatsoever for the company or themselves.
Sure, that’s great but it’s not even the point. Fundamental research and other type of “useless” scientific endeavors help humanity as a whole to better understand our universe but would never be privately funded because they don’t have any concrete and immediate financial benefits. This is precisely what a government should finance, because no one else would do it and yet it’s small stuff like that that make us collectively move forward as a species
The amount of processing power that would be needed to listen the output of billions of devices 24/7 just to push ads wouldn’t make economic sense.