Pretty sure the word “it” is referring to the order.
Pretty sure the word “it” is referring to the order.
Thats already allowed on Twitter. Though you will get in trouble for the word cis.
The second trump pandemic. We already had a “trump pandemic.”
I know they don’t really care about laws or what’s legal but this is his last 4 years unless they go full on mask off dictator. So far, he’s doing a bang up job trying to position himself as such.
My 4th gen doesnt need it. I’ve got two D01100 models. I can literally plug them into my phone and copy paste books onto them. I google the book i want, download to my phone and just paste it into my kindke.
Just don’t attach an account to it and keep it on airplane mode. They can’t stop anything. I’ve even got manga on it but that took a converter program on my laptop to make the manga into an epub file.
Holy cow i just looked up a blue ray “jukebox” used the sony 400 disc one is like $900. That’s fucking crazy.
Ok, I totally agree with you, but your use of bolding and italicizing is making me irrationally angry.
What rock have you been hiding under?
Don’t forget to add a select before start if you want 30 lives for the player two as well.
Don’t bother with this troll. They are a fake account made a day ago to rile decent.
This is a great Forza guide.
Huh, i am not that observant i guess. Just pulled out a receipt and you’re right. No tax on the groceries.
What state doesn’t have tax at the checkout?
Wait, where are you wearing it 😳
Mexico is a part of the continent of America. Not the country. Devil’s in the details and all.
This is the equivalent of modern day book burning.
Wizards staff? Could you please elaborate?
Whats the joke?