Now Russia is nonstop greed and corruption, sabre-rattling with Nuclear Weapons under capitalism, so completely different!
Webdeveloper from Germany, nerd, gamer, atheist, interested in nerd-culture, biology of everything creepy, evolution, history, physics, politics and space.
Progressive. Ally. SocDem. Euro-Federalist.
Political Compass: -7.0, -6.62
Now Russia is nonstop greed and corruption, sabre-rattling with Nuclear Weapons under capitalism, so completely different!
Well since I get 1 year of unemployment benefits, thanks to german social securities, I have twice quit bad jobs, was unemployed for a couple of months and started a better job when I found it.
Meh, I’m like really heavy, dangerously so even, and my many health problems (which don’t help with the physical attractiveness) originate from that. So no, I’m ugly and fat and in many, many regards I’m a loser. But I have other things going for me.
GF wants into this discussion, this is her words:
I wouldn’t call him the fattest, ugliest, looser nerd, but he is definitely fat and doesn’t conform to any classic ideal of male beauty. Instead, he is very gentle, loving and tender and makes me feel like a goddess. He also does what he said he would do: he is interested in me, not just because he has to ask, he actually wants to know what I think and feel. And he is not afraid to tell me his feelings, honest and vulnerable, even if they are actually embarrassing and he may even be ashamed of them. He wants to connect with me emotionally, honest and with his whole heart.
So I guess I’m making up for it with inner beauty and that’s precisely why I commented here:
I had already given up on love, I was a 40 years old, depressed, fat nerd with a career going nowhere. Really not physically attractive at all. I’ve been where so many of these Anons are. But through my significant other and the ones before her, I learned that you really don’t need to be tall, fit and conventionally attractive to find love.
“Just” respect your partner, be open, be honest, be gentle, be caring and be interested, really interested in what she thinks and does and feels.
For me the hardest part was lowering my defenses and being vulnerable with her, telling her even the things that I thought she would find unmanly or disgusting, everything I was and am still ashamed of. And sometimes it’s really hard to actually listen, to not just hear but listen, to not let her voice be drowned out in the multitude of voices from inside and outside your own head and things and media and events happening around you every day. I’ve really had to learn (and am still learning) to come to a calm focus and practice active listening. It’s not easy, but I do it because I love her, and she’s given me the mental stability and something to look forward to that has helped me start not only my weight loss journey, but also continue to work at becoming a better person, better listener and the man I want to be for her.
I’m far from perfect, I still mess things up, my weight loss progresses painfully slow, my mental health still has pretty bad days and I’ve fucked up listening again this week, just like last week. But I’ll be damned if I give up again. And she’s so incredibly supportive and appreciative, that I’m still wondering sometimes what the hell she sees in me and how I deserve someone so wonderful.
Yeah well Kevin did weigh 257 pounds and is a successful director, producer, writer and actor… I’m north of 400 and none of those things. But I got other things going for me, so I’m okay with being a fat ugly loser, I’m winning what’s important to me.
My Škoda Fabia has - in less than a year - hit the brakes twice in situations where it shouldn’t. Granted, both times someone in front slowed down to leave the lane, so it’s not “phantom” breaking, but the situation was completely safe for me, not though, for the people driving behind me. Cruise control is slowly regaining my trust, but those incidents left me alert. Normal reduction of speed is working fine though.
Zut alors! Vastly outclassed by France, Scheiße!
In my experience: He’s emotionally available, interested in her and her experience, actually listening, gentle and honest.
I’m about the fattest, ugliest, loser nerd around and if I can be in a relationship with a succesful, beautiful, adventurous woman, so can anon.
More importantly, with a pitbull it’s mostly about training and handling. But snakes - even the intelligent ones - are very different from dogs. They are way more controlled by instinct and are natural predators of monkeys and young great apes. They are not intelligent in the same way mammals are, their internal machinery can at any point in time simply click with the wrong situation and that toddler is gone.
Sure, their fundamentalist, militant beliefs are not rooted in any intelligent reading of their scripture, but, in my opinion, just like humans can not evolve out of our ancestry (humans are apes, are monkeys, are primates, are mammals, are chordates) movements cannot escape the roots of their religion. And they constitute a vast, but for it’s size relatively homogeneous, culturally distinct sect of Christianity. So let’s not create a “true scotsman” here, just because they don’t abide by your (or my) interpretation of their faith doesn’t mean they aren’t Christians, similar differences in belief exist in many religious sects in many different religions. And at least they violently “claim” to be Christians and will defend that position with vigor. Something apparent in all the big american sects that, from the outside, seeem to have little to nothing to do with the teachings in the New Testament. Like Mormonism.
Just like Christianity, Judaism and Islam are still abrahamic religions, those new american sects will always remain christian in their roots.
For this sect, Christian trappings have fused with the American Civil Religion, the Red Scare and the “Lost Cause”-myth. In this worldview, the defeat in a holy war (American Civil War) facilitated the struggle between evil, socialist, secular, globalist, minority-loving, weak liberalism and the good, pious, capitalist, nationalist, exceptionalist, (mostly white) red-blooded conservatism.
This might actually constitute a new kind of religion, but it is heavily blanketed in pseudo-christian trappings and lots of old-testament fire and brimstone. And this mind-virus relies on the widespread christian beliefs in the US to spread into new hosts. A lack of (objective, comparative) religious education with, at the same time, a deeply religious habitat is the fertile ground that allows this to spread. What you or me would interpret as a “correct” (or “less wrong”) christian faith, if followed culturally or blindly and without haven given it enough thought, actually aides in the spread of this militant, nationalistic, chauvinist movement that has infected the US and is (imho) at the root of Reaganism, the Tea-Party and the entire Maga-Movement. It has been mutating and getting more malignant for a while now and I honestly have no idea how this could ever be excised from the US.
Say what you want about Zuckerberg, but most people with enough intelligence don’t hate trans people
Eh… intelligence is helpful, but in the end does not inoculate one against BS opinions. Musk is (supposedly) intelligent and toxic as hell, Richard Dawkins is (definitely) intelligent and a fucking TERF. fuck, Jordan Peterson (for all his faults) is a demonstrative intelligent man… he’s just also an asshole and wrong about a multitude of things.
Every coalition will involve the CDU/CSU (our conservatives) as the senior party. And their candidate for chancellor is already copying Trump talking points about closing the borders, getting rid of immigrants and cutting social services.
Even without the extremist right it’s going to be an absolute shit show.
That’s basically correct, it’s based on mastodon code and not federated.
Well, it is… that’s why I fit right in.
Male or female, it’s always “mein” because “Name” is a male noun.
Reads differently
Looking ahead, most of the respondents expect current risks to persist, in particular the frequency of extreme weather events, and the unpredictability of how the Russian invasion of Ukraine will evolve. Concerning the latter, risks are not only linked to the availability of imports, but also to ongoing price volatility both for inputs and commodities and to potential logistical restrictions in place. Several respondents anticipate no decline in food inflation in the coming months, as input and production costs are expected to stay up, thus keeping consumer prices high due to delayed price transmission between different stages of the food chain
So there are concerns about the invasion and it’s driving food inflation.
True, it’s a huge, erect cock
A not-sparkling stellar mass