• 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2024


    1. The apps are kinda meh. I haven’t found one that doesn’t come with significant disadvantages yet, and I’ve tried FIVE.

    2. There’s no recommendations feed. You see what you’re subscribed to, or everything. No in-between. You can’t see what you’ve subscribed to, and a few posts that the algorithm thinks you might like. People like to complain about the algorithm, but one reason it’s so addictive is that it’s useful.

    3. Notifications don’t work in every app

    4. Just having a feed that behaves normally seems to be really hard to do for apps. Stop slowing me posts I’ve already scrolled past, and when I click home/pull down to refresh, I want new posts, not the same thing again that I’ve already scrolled past and ignored. Some apps have settings (that are somehow not on by default) to hide read posts and mark posts read on scroll, but I haven’t tried an app where that works every time.

    5. There’s no “main” app. Think about Reddit before the API fees. There used to be a default app. It had its issues, but most features worked out of the box, and most things were intuitive and normie-friendly. You could use that to get comfortable with the social network itself, and then eventually try other apps when something got too annoying.

      Compare that with Lemmy. You want to try it, and you already have to deal with choice paralysis. A ton of apps on the website, with utterly unhelpful descriptions (“an open-source Lemmy client developed by so-and-so”; wow, exactly zero of those words help me pick) and a random order that doesn’t even let me default to one most popular one.

      Quite a few apps focus on niche UI features like swipe-based navigation while still not having the basics down right. I’m several months into having joined Lemmy and I still haven’t found an app that feels somewhat right. That is a challenge not one of the other social networks has managed. Congrats, Lemmy. Impressive.

    6. Picking a server and signing up in general is complicated. And it’s an impactful decision that you have NO tools to make so early, unless you start researching like it’s school homework.

      .world? That’s popular but you’ll be judged for having joined it, plus you lose access to the piracy community. .ml? Hope you like communists and DRAMA. And if you get it wrong, there’s no intuitive and easy way to migrate. You clunkily export your settings and re-import them; the servers will NOT talk to each other. And even then you lose some stuff.

      This UX issue is tough. I don’t have an easy solution. But I’m sure a UX expert could find one.

    7. Manual validation of your sign-up by a human. What is this, a Facebook group? If you introduce a 24-hour delay so early in the process, of course people are going to fall off.

    8. The mouse logo is kinda ugly, won’t lie. I’m sure it’s a more potent people repellent than you think.

    9. There is a LOT of tribalism. On Reddit, there’s r/Canada, that’s full of convinced conservatives that won’t hesitate to artificially skew the discourse. And there’s r/OnGuardForThee, basically the same but with progressives angry at the conservatives.

      On Lemmy, that feels like the rule, not the exception. I just joined communities based on my interests, and my feed is full of communist vs communist vs non-communist drama. Can we frickin’ chill?

      If I need to start filtering out whole fields of interest that were taken over, joining less popular community clones or literally defederating instances to get a good experience, we’ve got it wrong. Normal people don’t wanna do that when they literally just got here. They’ll just leave.

    10. Somehow even more US-centric than Reddit. So… Much… American politics.

  • Btw I took a look at your comment and if it helps, washed eggs are good basically forever too. I never throw them away. I’ve eaten eggs that had been expired for 6 months, and while they were a little dried up (kinda dense; the white had shrunk), they were otherwise totally fine.

    You know how they say you know there’s a methane or propane leak because of the smell of rotten eggs… I’ve never smelled rotten eggs. Only propane. Eggs refuse to rot.

  • Eiri@lemmy.catoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldeggs in japan
    23 days ago

    I was convinced Japan also washed their eggs. I’m confused.

    Also I’m curious about why Americans are really squeamish about people eating any egg products that haven’t been fully sterilized by cooking, while others generally aren’t scared of it, even if they’re in a country that washes eggs just like the US.

    In the US, people don’t even taste their cake batter to check the amount of sugar before cooking it; in Canada, a summer isn’t whole until you’ve made strawberry mousse (ingredients: strawberries, egg whites, sugar; eaten raw). Perplexing. Is it riskier in the US, or is the risk equally low everywhere but Americans are really paranoid?

  • I’m Canadian, but… Fruit, I guess. Some fruit we get from places like Greece, Spain or Italy, both canned and fresh. We could live without them, but surely there’d be moments in the year when we couldn’t get fresh peaches, for example, at the supermarket, without European imports.

    But it’s not a majority. We get quite a bit from South America, North Africa, and, astonishingly, as far as South Africa, too.

    Though there isn’t much else. It’s rarely worth it to import food from another rich country, all the way across the ocean, in today’s world.

    Though interestingly, I bought “canned” soup (actually packaged in a plastic bag) that came from Lithuania, of all places.