Dicks out for Harambe
Dicks out for Harambe
This happened to me at the start. I contacted support and they said it would resolve after the next billing date. It did and it works great now!
What do you hope to gain from leaving one Facebook to join another Facebook? Break the addiction. Free yourself from needing this in your life.
Same. I’ve found my spark again in VR gaming and generally go to the arcade style more! Ain’t nobody got time for a 10 tier skill tree
Not sad about the iPad Pro situation, there’s hardly enough to utilize the M2 or above in them.
One answer could be for you to learn and practice philosophy alongside your learnings of world news. In particular, stoicism and stoic philosophy can allow you to watch these external events and consider them as they are, but with the understanding that these things reside outside of your control which preserves your feelings and self from being affected by them. It really brings more power to you through anything you go through or experience.
Philosophers Who Addressed This Question
1.) Albert Camus
• Work: The Myth of Sisyphus (1942)
• Argument: Camus argues that life is absurd, meaning it is full of suffering and chaos without inherent meaning. However, he suggests that one can resist despair by embracing life with defiance and by finding meaning through action and creativity.
• Example: Camus likens human existence to Sisyphus, who is condemned to roll a boulder up a hill only to have it roll back down. Camus proposes that we must “imagine Sisyphus happy,” finding joy in the act of persistence itself rather than in outcomes.
2.) Martha Nussbaum
• Work: Upheavals of Thought: The Intelligence of Emotions (2001)
• Argument: Nussbaum defends the idea that emotions like compassion and anger can be powerful motivators for justice but need to be tempered with rationality and self-care to avoid burnout. She advocates for a philosophy of practical engagement, where one maintains emotional investment in the world while creating boundaries to protect one’s mental well-being.
• Example: Nussbaum might suggest that instead of being overwhelmed by global problems, you focus on one specific issue you can influence—channeling compassion into tangible actions.
3.) Viktor Frankl
• Work: Man’s Search for Meaning (1946)
• Argument: As a Holocaust survivor, Frankl emphasizes the importance of finding purpose even in the face of suffering. He argues that meaning can be found in how we respond to suffering, whether through action, creativity, or how we endure hardships.
• Example: Even when facing immense global crises, Frankl might suggest asking, “What specific actions can I take to create meaning and contribute positively, no matter how small?
I appreciate your take on this and the fact that you’re considering more perspectives here. No doubt a take like this that isn’t immediately all in support of Mr. Luigi without thinking of anything else of is going to attract immediate down votes, but I feel like this is a pretty realistic view on why what happened, happened. We’re all doing what we can with what we have to survive. I think if any of us were in a bad spot and saw an opportunity to take action, and it had to be immediate, and in that moment before the opportunity passed, we would take it. If it wasn’t there, he could’ve been caught or found accused of this in some other capacity. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone try and consider what the McDonald’s worker situation was or what kind of people he was responsible for caring for. Him choosing to be the one this time may very well have saved some lives in his world as well.
You can turn off the ability for it to request chatGPT if it can’t resolve the request on its own
Wow this is the first I’ve heard of a tenant union! I think it’s only natural things like this will arise as affordability continues to decline for rents. And shitty landlords that won’t respond and fix broken things they are responsible for? Fuck them completely
Second this, love the trance and Nintendo tunes! There’s some good lofi Nintendo mixes on YouTube that get me through work
I am not in the know about this. What are they? And what happens?
Try $6.75 for their new refresher drinks. Flavored water over ice. No wonder sales are declining.
Grayjay.app for those interested in the app he runs that YouTube is threatening him over
Have you tried it lately?
Would it be possible to VPN to an EU address and download? Or travel to the EU and download this software?
Would it not work to do like we do for refundable cans? QR code or barcode on the bag to verify and store drop off for a refund of this 10/15¢. People would go out of their way to collect and drop these off at facilities that could accept and recycle these.
I’m sorry, never supposed to touch autopilot? Under any circumstances? Other than that, yeah, 100% if it detects you are not paying attention via wheel nag or eye-tracking camera at all it will alarm and disengage, potentially banning the user for a short time from using it. They do make it very clear of this result.
If the car was backing out, that was a human driver in control, not autopilot. Autopilot can only be enabled while driving on a well-marked roadway. The first part is plausible however. Likely the software at the time could not handle rain appropriately and you are absolutely right to question this if they tell you it was normal.
Well I don’t know about you, but my mind goes to user-written instagram posts, Facebook posts, and tweets. You know, things like local moms groups circlejerking about toxins in foods etc etc
Could have said the same thing about first iPhone and digital cameras and mp3 players. But this doesn’t necessarily mean they will charge a ton more for it. This is more about R&D.