Just rock an atomic distro. You choices then become: it boots, OR: the OS is no longer present so I guess it’s not my problem anymore.
Just rock an atomic distro. You choices then become: it boots, OR: the OS is no longer present so I guess it’s not my problem anymore.
Literally just started doing this last week. I did NOT expect it to work so much better than the name-brand app for such a “closed system” as Sonos.
Rehabilitated HP z440 workstation, checking in! Popped in a used $20 e5-2620v4 xeon CPU and 64gb of RAM and it sails for my use cases. TrueNAS as the base OS and a TalOS k8’s cluster in a VM to handle apps. Old but gold.
Oftentimes it’s someone creating and maintaining a piece of software or tooling for themselves and their own benefit. They just happen to be nice and forward thinking enough to share it.
My napkin math says I’m closer to $212~ per day for my household… That’s still WAY higher than I would have expected. And we try to be pretty frugal in some areas. That includes taxes though. Just shelter costs ballparks to $90-ish per day. Start adding in food, transportation costs, communication costs, taxes… It all adds up REALLY fast. Close to $200/day in just bare essentials to exist and operate within the modern world in my area of the US.