I appreciate your knack for understatement.
I appreciate your knack for understatement.
…or they’re on the take as well.
When you say “feminism has been hijacked by career sociopaths” what are you specifically talking about?
Shitty title. Business school professors claim they trained an AI to judge workers’ personalities based on their faces.
The article talks about why that is such a stupid and terrible proposal.
If we are ever invaded by monkeys with balloons, I am ready to serve.
The trouble is that hitting the inside of the bump gets deflected towards the chest, which you really don’t want. Armor should be uniboob with a peak in the center deflecting outward.
I think it’s used in a lot of ways that isn’t “drinking a glass of milk”. I suspect most milk is poured over cereal. It’s also used a lot in cooking, but insisting on raw milk to bake with seems especially weird.
Maybe the joke isn’t particularly fair, maybe it doesn’t really need to be.
You have logical reasons to avoid antibiotics and preservatives. Someone might not agree, but whatever the case, you made that decision based on some amount of evidence.
Raw milk though… I think the meme is correct to equate anger with pasteurization as a denial of germ theory. We pasteurize and refrigerate for the same reason: to keep bacteria from growing. It is a fair question: if pasteurization is unnecessary, why is refrigeration necessary? Avoiding preservatives doesn’t beg the same question.
Quite a few weirdos, really.
I don’t know where you’re searching, but the earth is usually pretty visible at the horizon.
I don’t really get the joke. So much of what they said was nonsense. Just about everything.
You don’t get to be a billionaire without being foolishly selfish.
A former coworker used to take leave when her kid was out of school. Kid was 10. I was a 10 year old “latchkey” kid in the 80’s, we’d get home, I’d make a snack for me and my 8 yr old brother. Then we’d ride our bikes until the streetlights came on, and we’d go home.
I’m not a parent. I don’t really think either her or my parents were “right” or “wrong”, but I don’t understand why that changed.
if the US government wanted Google to do something, they could storm their headquarters and get the government tech people to go in the servers and change it.
Thanks, I needed that. Whatever movies you’re watching are terrible.
Forcing your way into Google to have “government techs” change something is NCIS level ridiculous. Conceivably they might get a court order to “force” Google to change. Funnily enough, the US and Mexico have the exact same levers to make a company do what they want. The US has more power to push those levers though.
This video is absolutely mental in a way that scratches my brain in all the right places.
Noooo! If cats are able to wield this power, the human race is doomed!
Turns out undocumented people are difficult to tell apart from documented people. Everyone has the right to due process, the system is only designed to work at a certain pace, and Democrats who Republicans kept yelling were allowing the country to be invaded were actually rooting people out of the country at a breakneck pace. People called Obama the Deporter in Chief for a reason.
No God’s! No Pasta Masters!
Spaghetti derives from the consent of the people.
What do you think “lite Republicans” means?
How did Democrats “reign in Israel”? You know other countries exist right? And they exert international pressure? Democrats have not reigned in Israel at all.
Note that these are emergency powers he’s using. Supposedly this is a crisis.