This megathread is garbage, it lists quora and twitter threads as sources.
I appreciate a someone making the effort to debunk but your megathread is absolute garbage, I checked a couple links, got redirected toward twitter and quora threads, so ty but don’t spread misinformation.
Interesting option, I’ll look into it!
My bad, I saw multiple app store listed, so I assumed you listed at least a couple options.
Imo tutanota ils still better than proton since they’ve never been compromises by sharing user data with the authorities.
As for Quillpad, I never tried Joplin but Quillpad is pretty awesome, deserves more recognition. Also it’s les than 5Mo whereas Joplin is nearly 100Mo and asking for permissions like geoloc. I get that it’s open source but this sub is about privacy, and Quillpad seems more adequate on that matter.
Email : tutanota ( Notes : quillpad ( Distro : mint
This is the last product I still make sacrifice to keep it working on my degoogled devices, because lets be honest, this is the best (“free”) GPS there is out there. I’ve tried so many others but nothing comes close. I dunno what I’ll do if (when) they launch this kind of crap here…
We all know how the far right has a hard time letting go of it’s grip on power, that’s for sure. But this ils no ‘gamble’, like he’d be cornered to do this, he led us here. He is deliberately playing with the french like they’re just paws in his self-centered game.
Comparing it to Chirac’s situation is downplaying how crazy te move is right now. Can you imagine how fucked up this is? Like “oh, the far right has more than twice as many votes as we got, it must be some sort of big misclick situation, lets check it out !”
I can recommend this piece from Hobo Johnson (“why socialism by Albert Einstein”)