I find it’s a total crapshoot with my guys. Sometimes a comfy cardboard box becomes their new favorite place to sleep, sometimes the cat bed or macaron will be the primo spot they’re both clamoring for.
It’s a cat thing that our puny human brains can’t comprehend.
Unfortunately it’s not big enough for him and his BFF.
Check my post history. It’s an old picture of my cat.
And so did his brother.
I’ve never played a game of D&D in my life but I’m happy to let my nerd flag flag because I fully understood these references.
Also whoever dreamed up “Car Talk with Martok” is a bloody genius.
I’m in the middle of my DS9 rewatch and totally forgot about the stark difference between Sisko hair and Sisko bald. I just watched the Homefront/Paradise Lost episodes and the episode where Eddington defects to the Maquis and watching Sisko go all badass and lose his shit was fantastic.
Despite being a huge Trek fan, I forgot all about this show, having only seen a handful of episodes. The reviews here kind of have me wanting to actually watch it and see the slow motion trainwreck for myself.
They definitely get catty over who gets other cat beds around the house but never the blue pillow which is Jack’s all the way.