Yes but they weren’t “people” so 🤷♂️
Yes but they weren’t “people” so 🤷♂️
Well he’s a California republican so more like a Democrat actually /s
Irregardless of this trudeau is a removed boy. He takes the politicians mission to the next level.
Idk who’s really the options yet. Honestly though I’ve been reading about Third Way politicians in Pakistan and while i think their particular party sucks, id like to see something similar in the US.
By that i mean a slightly more government friendly libertarian party.
Edit: just realized i didn’t answer your question. Sorry
I don’t have any more info to add. Well I’m pretty sure the “business” is located in india
If i didn’t have a hurry up and wait type job i could pound through everything in about 3 hours. I do walk about 7 miles a night though so thatd suck to have to do in 3 hours on top of everything else.
Wow this is messing with my brain. Never even thought of how much I associate giraffes with there spots.
I always think of the bloody mary from that TellTale game
It was actually about $700
Ive been in graveyard for about 8-9 months now. It feels pretty regular now.
The most important thing to do is to get 8 hours of sleep, and wake up right before you have to leave for work. It helps if you can avoid looking outside and seeing its dark out.
I’ve butchered chickens before, admittedly a long time ago. I’ve never bought chicken with pinfeathers on it still though.
My ancestors had more time than i do ig.
After Man by Dougal Dixion.
It’s a book about speculative biology. It hypothesizes that humanity will lead to the extinction of most of the animals we know. After that new animals will evolve to take their place. The book speculates that rabbits will take the place of deer, and that rats will evolve into dog like animals .
The best part about the book is that there are great illustrations.
To my knowledge it’s not a very well known book, just because speculative biology is a very niche subject.
I scamed my ex gf every time we slept together
Honestly I’m ok with tipping at sit down restaurants. I don’t want to tip at 5 guys.
It’s crazy how much the party has changed since i started voting.
Stfu i love lemonades
Good>pretty good
The word good is a stronger affirmative imo
Lol imagine not being able to picture things in your head. Oh wait…