The way the OP phrases it rules out trans men who have vaginas, trans women who have vaginas, and a bunch of cis women who’ve had certain pelvic traumas or cancers and therefore don’t have vaginas.
What he’s trying to say is “if you were born with a vagina and you align with it” which is actually still funny because I was born with my vagina, I like my vagina, I’ll be happily keeping it even after all my surgeries…but if this OP saw my face he would put me in the “trans man” bucket because they lack nuance around identity.
I’m on board!
I’m a big fan of the word cunt in all of its current uses it’s my preferred slang term for my own, though it’s rare to find someone who’s not taken aback by that in the bedroom.
Would it be a grammatically consistent pronoun? “oh, someone left cunt wallet, I hope cunt come get it” or do we need a cunt/cunter situation? So cunt can collect cunter wallet.