And his blood stained sweater
And his blood stained sweater
Taco/nacho meat is the one that comes to mind. I use it in other things as well but my mind has very helpfully gone blank…
Cinnamon. Goes well with more savory things than I ever expected.
I have two libraries for movies because my home theater can let 4k + HDR shine while my Internet connection doesn’t have the upload to send that to family. They get stuck with 1080 and have never complained. My server has the power to transcode on the fly but for now I have the free space to keep both.
TV is almost entirely 1080 unless there is a super good reason to upgrade past that. I’m not actually sure if I’ve ever done that.
I listen to a lot of K-pop. I don’t know more than a very small handful of Korean.
I really enjoyed it, especially after reading the author notes. It’s obviously not a “great literary work” but it’s a good quick bit of fun.
It works pretty well for Minnesota. In a normal year we’ll have a few days that fall out of each side of that range.
The Scholomance series by Naomi Novak could be great.
This is the answer. I’ve had to build it a handful of times and it always feels bad.
I really liked House. The show just went off the rails in the last couple of seasons as I recall
This is what I do. I ran into issues with monitoring too many services so I switched to a hybrid approach. I run an instance in my server that check the status of all my services and a separate instance in that checks the status of my local UptimeKuma install
Plastic bags. Zip-Loc or Hefty all the way. All the store brands I’ve tried are just trash.
Likely House M.D.