Seen old forums.
They are fine, did you notice the activity spike? Sure, some of it is in wrong categories…most of it is…and maybe they don’t even post things related to forums…well, mostly naked titties…but so much activity!
Fan of breaking echo chambers by being devils advocate. Other than that, centrist. As in in USA I’d be considered left.
Seen old forums.
They are fine, did you notice the activity spike? Sure, some of it is in wrong categories…most of it is…and maybe they don’t even post things related to forums…well, mostly naked titties…but so much activity!
…random thought chain:
What if Jesus simply was on spectrum and he hyoerfixated on the scriptures but then got pressured by family who saw as a “gifted” child into the whole belief he’s a god?
I understand your point but every single person that said that to me was unable to form their message neatly and efficiently.
No hello. No asking if it’s okay to ask. Write concisely, state all your questions in first message, drop the masquarade of niceness. People who use that get similiar response - and without the awkward call-like “gimmie a sec, need to check” or worse “let me circle back to it later”. As soon as I get the info, you have it. In the meanwhile, you can focus on something else.
Not saying this applies to you though - simply yoir comment caused a flood of bad memories of call-centric people being unable to use messages, mostly due to laziness.
Here I am, going to get downvoted into oblivion, but you already speak about the topic so I want to ask.
Trans people have the cure for their condition - that being surgery. Why shouldn’t being trans (before actually transitioning!) considered being ill?
Sorry if I come as rude but in today’s hellscape there’s really no way to ask that without sounding like a douche.
I have a problem with idea of gov sayimg what goes. Whatever gov. If it’s your site - whatever goes, goes. You set the rules. Sheesh.
But I admit I am nos so sure when it comes to giants like FB or X. If they were like that from the get go, sure, but sudden switch is iffy as hell.
Skyrim civil war in nutshell:
One side - ambitious and zealous racist who got fedup when species that have ages old beef with his people fucked Imperium, and then spat in the face of nords.
Other side - A scorned mother that got pissed old traditions resulted in the death of her child and became petty incarnate deciding that these traditions are yucky only after they fired against her.
Still on Ulfric’s side ideals wise, but the racism pisses me off x_x
480p CRT screen :3
Yeah! Why didn’t I hear bout it? Need to watch it.
What’s depth weeeeeeeee
Log in is an action. Login is part of credentials. >_<
In my case, fill all four with the first frame. Not an alcoholic, wasn’t party person even once in my life and sure as fuck I am not missing my yearly allowance to nuke the ever loving shit outta the sky. ^^
I live in Europe and our chicken broth, IIRC (not the one cooking) contains pig feet. But you don’t serve them, they are there for taste.
Or, ya know, lack of trust. That’s me, woohoo. Had a lot of unworked trauma, my father obliged himself to oay for therapy. Still couldn’t do it. I trust no one, much less someone who was trained in ways of meddling with my psyche.
It took me 2 years to take him up on it, and even then I couldn’t do more than to bruteforce myself to speak, putting even more distance between me and therapist. In a way, therapy was also traumatic. And no, not therapist fault, she was a golden woman with a big heart and open mind. I just don’t trust people.
Yeah, I…yeah, thanks. Way to go for me, eh? xD
18%. 18 fucing %. For the love of god that’s 1/5 of your bloody nation, wtf?
Edit: Nvm, tired and can’t read for shit.
I may be outsider but lower graphic level horror games actually work more for me, because imagination fills the gaps better than engine rendering plastic looking tentacles can
There are electronic keys. NFC and the like. Better yet, if you have a smart watch it can act like a key.
Said it first time, and I’ll say it again. 2022 - even executives don’t agree. 1 in 5? Whole 20% of them. 80% of people who have in their best interest to milk you dry still didn’t agree people don’t want to work. xD
We had great teachers, don’t take ne wrong. Simply nobody trusted them anyway. Like, once I had a teacher that whole class was ready to throw hands for, yet still, except for joking around, nobody trusted her.
Maybe it’s cultural thing, I dunno.
We returned to greek origin. Wanna talk with randoms? Go to the forum…