Y’all are too creative for me… I have:
- poweredge-r520-0
- poweredge-t620-0
- poweredge-t620-1
- pi4-0
- pi3b-0
- pi3b-1
- pi3b-2
- pi3b-3
- vostro-3525-0
- ideapad-c340-0
Y’all are too creative for me… I have:
If you have infinite monkeys on IDEs, some subset of 1000 of them will eventually make Firefox.
Making more wallets would cost nothing more than a few hundred bytes of storage each for the keys. I have no idea why they wouldn’t have split their funds into evenly sized wallets of, say, $1M each.
Since you haven’t explained how this helped you find your wife, I have to assume that you built one and aimed it at random people on the street while making sex noises like some kind of high-precision mating call.
[citation needed]
Here’s a much more effective MIDI-ification of a song with vocals: https://youtu.be/0k7UD64RwGU
I think there are definitely some specific cases where it makes sense. For example garbage dumps (and compost facilities as well, I think) produce tons of methane and other unpleasant flammable gases which often get flared off, it seems only reasonable that if you’re gonna be burning the gas anyway that you might as well use that heat to spin a turbine instead of just fuelling a uselessly burning flame on a pole.
In theory biofuel is perfectly carbon-neutral if you’re growing all the input biomass yourself, since all the carbon released when the fuel is burned is carbon which was captured during the growth stage. But in practice it’s not ideal:
If the biofuel is being produced from like agricultural byproducts (e.g. the stalks of harvested crops) I don’t think there’s really a problem, but AFAIK most of that stuff gets used for compost or gets left on fields to put nutrients back in the soil (and because it’s cheaper and easier to leave it than having to collect it again).
Why is the mirror non-reflective and shaped like a fan? Seems like an odd design choice.
I’ve got an old HP laptop which I’ve been running a Jenkins server on for years. The fan died back in like 2018, and I just kept putting off buying a replacement, so it has been running with no fan for 7 years now. Remarkably it still works fine, although a but slower than it used to thanks to thermal throttling :P
Its existence also implies the existence of sex which occurs spontaneously and without warning, independently of all preceding events.
Yes, I will store the expensive paintings in a house made of toothpicks and cardboard with a tar roof in a state known to have widespread fires every year. It is a good idea.
My confusion isn’t why they’re decorated, but why the decoration is always on the downwards facing side so you can’t actually see it once installed.
I’ve never understood this about GPUs, why are they all designed so that the cool-looking decorated part with the fancy heat spreader and fans and LEDs and stuff are facing downwards?
Deleting their account doesn’t change the rules, only the person enforcing them.
how about my geforce 9500 for your vega 64?
I’m confused, is this the new version of the “Nobody:” meme format?
Investors won’t be interested in that, it sounds too complicated. How about /dev/null as a Service?
A huge chunk of Linux development is subsidized by the hundreds of corporations which depend on it and pay developers to maintain things. There is no corporate interest in developing and/or maintaining an alternative browser engine when chromium already exists and dominates the market.