Yeah Mussolini did something good tooo trains were in time when he was our leader
Obviously sarcastic
I’m more like the referee… Lonely, in disbelief, with absolutely no idea on what the fuck Is going on these days , and how did the big fat panda managed to even have the chance of getting her mad 😏
Would you prefer to remain in bed covering your ears ? I’m not saying you shouldnt cut the grass I’m saying you could cut it later during the day … After 5 pm for example the sun isn’t hot anymore and you won’t wake the whole neighborhood up at 8 on a Sunday morning, probably the only day a standard worker could sleep in peace… Yes it sounds hypocritical but as I have said you can cut the grass in the afternoon but you can’t throw parties in the morning just because the night is intrinsic to parting … Everyone has shit to get done and this shouldnt be used as an excuse if we don’t ever stop to think about others we would never find a way to live together without fighting…
You can join the loud party and have fun I can’t join you cutting your own grass and I wouldn’t have fun anyway…
Guys lets be honest why point at small Numbers which you have to read in a specific sequence while doing some math when you can easily and nowadays probably more efficiently (paper-ink) display them… Analog clocks are going to disappear and people will watch at them with the same eyes as we watch a sundial…(Btw I had to search for the translation of the world sundial that’s how common it is … 😉)
I can ready It but i get teens Who dont
Cheer’s on calling it Twitter
YouTube can definitely afford a war ship and pay people to shoot…we may have enough people to operate a death star for free but can we afford one ?
I Will definetly stole this 😂 awesome
Yeah we could argue about having mankind at all …
I have done that too thought it was my mothers car which came to take me home I opened the trunk put my bags in closed it walk all the way around hop in to realize there wasn’t my mother at the wheel … That dude face … Priceless … Mine probably too… Apologized took the bags and went hearing my mother laughing for the rest of the trip se was parked right in front she saw everything…
I have done that too thought it was my mothers car which came to take me home I opened the trunk put my bags in closed it walk all the way around hop in to realize there wasn’t my mother at the wheel … That dude face … Priceless … Mine probably too… Apologized took the bags and went hearing my mother laughing for the rest of the trip se was parked right in front she saw everything…
I have done that too thought it was my mothers car which came to take me home I opened the trunk put my bags in closed it walk all the way around hop in to realize
I have done that too thought it was my mothers car which came to take me home I opened the trunk put my bags in closed it walk all the way around hop in to realize there wasn’t my mother at the wheel … That dude face … Priceless … Mine probably too… Apologized took the bags and went hearing my mother laughing for the rest of the trip se was parked right in front she saw everything…
The solution is to not be available in the first place… can I have your number? nope don’t have one … So how can we keep in touch we can’t … There’s this thing called simpleX I once in a blue moon check if you want to try … Convinced one friend till now … He doesn’t answer on it :( Hope to meet you in person one day would be a nice to knew someone privacy aware