Jan 6 committee doesn’t exist anymore
Jan 6 committee doesn’t exist anymore
AI has some legitimate applications but I feel like this is like a mirror of the “PUT BLOCKCHAIN IN EVERYTHING” hype
the commies made lemmy dumbass
Amazon Lock boxes are like PO boxes but free, you just order with one as a destination and you put a code in and it unlocks a locker with your item in it
I don’t like Amazon but I mean this does pretty much defeat porch piracy
Flying southwest 3 times in November, wish me luck fellas
the Chinese citizenry stood up for themselves in 1949
the communism understander has logged on
I feel like you could still give science a head start by giving them rough ideas of how things work, like penicillin and steam power and whatnot
Even if you don’t know all the ins and puts you can give them something to go off of to develop the technology faster
i like guns but don’t a bunch of other states have bans like this? how could it be unconstitutional in Cali but not in the other states that have had laws like this for years