For most middle and low income families ‘filing taxes’ is how they get the amount they overpaid returned. If they cannot then the government keeps the extra.
One of them Carpenter nerd types.
For most middle and low income families ‘filing taxes’ is how they get the amount they overpaid returned. If they cannot then the government keeps the extra.
On paper it totally should be. I mean, you’re not growing animals, just the parts you want to eat in a vat.
But well, in actuality it may follow the same path as vertical farming.
He’s also strangely against lab grown meat… which I just flat out don’t understand. It’s unproven on whether or not it’s even economically viable… and PA is famous for scrapple. So I mean… calling anything else slop is confusing.
That is/was the plan, I was just wondering what insights people who actually know about privacy stuff would have overall. And I have been educated nicely thanks to a bunch of the folks on here.
I rotate my password every 6 months at this point. It’s about as secure as a human who wants to remember a password could be. It’s 20+ characters with all the various password needed inclusions.
And yeah, I can access it through an external application without issue. But if I ever want to change settings or make new email rules it becomes an issue.
Fairly sure Gmail wasn’t around 28 years ago.
Oh no, I can’t believe that Elon would just give shameless content straight to asmon like that… Wait stop, don’t make a video about getting unchecked on Twitter because the owner got mad and unchecked you tor calling him out on his silly video game stuff. I’m sure the video won’t at all be a viral hit…
In all my days, the two most hated comments I dropped were:
Explaining that traveling specific speeds is not inherently less safe, but that context of conditions and location heavily change how safe we feel.
Attempting to give someone a free trip across the country so that I could have a body to assign one of her three cats to, since it was just after covid and finding any way to get a cat across the country was strangely difficult or exceptionally expensive. Apparently I’m a terrible person for not including a place to stay, or a return trip, or anything? Like… I’m trying to save money getting a cat across the country, why would I then spend more money for someone I literally don’t know? It was more of a ‘please help get cat from a to b, I’ll pay for it’ Ended up dragging my wife with me for the third person because people were being weird and angry about it.
I recently purchased Affinity photo, which did most of what I used to use Adobe for. No subscription, one time purchase, and I’ll likely never need to worry about that again.
I tried gimp a few times and found it frustrating to use.
I know it’s not really the topic you considered… But yes, I do believe every drug should be legalized. If you consider the benefits alone it should be obvious that it is the correct choice.
Drugs made by lisenced people/locations that use safe ingredients and are open to litigation if they end up making a bad batch.
The revenue collected isn’t going to some drug lord overseas, it’s going into the country which you live instead.
Dispensaries can be used secondary as a councelling/rehabilitation center.
The long and the short if it is that if people want them, they will get them. I live in a place that hasn’t legalized weed yet… But if you are around certain neighborhoods at around 9am, it starts to smell very obvious that legality doesn’t matter. While currently that’s not surprising as many states near mine have legalized, we’ll before that happened things were exactly the same.
I don’t want people to be addicted to drugs, but I don’t see why we as a society shouldn’t benefit at all from someone who is.
For me it’s not about TikTok. It’s about using whatever flimsy, poorly worded law they will make to ban a platform I don’t use to open the door for further bans and possible censorship in the future. A platform should be allowed to function if it can. If it’s horribly made, or supremely unprofitable it’ll find its own way out. I don’t use it, I don’t plan on ever using it, and honestly it doesn’t affect my daily life outside of my mother in law thinking that some of the pallet crafts on there are worthwhile and me having to explain that they’ll look good for a moment and then fall apart rather quickly.
I generally call myself a patient gamer for most titles… but the monster hunter series is not one of them. Those games release in good shape, fully formed titles that don’t really need to wait on… I guess generally I’m patient when I feel the product doesn’t match the price, but in this case, I feel it absolutely does. If there is DLC, it’s either really silly cosmetic things, or a full fledged expansion on the content by at least 2x.
As much as I love the original, I must also say for a fist fight I’d rather have a slightly more system of a down feel.
Thankfully there’s always Andre to fill in the gaps.
8bitdo in general is a good stuff. I’m about to order a few spare controllers from them for multi-player stuff.
depends heavily on the recipe. Due to my “enthusiasm” for pasta in general I prefer to make a much smaller portion, which is very easy to do with a lasagna in a mug, the only real downside is that the noodles need to be pliable first.
I mostly read news articles in varying fields. Quantum physics is really doing some things that I can barely grasp anymore.
As much as I love lasagna, the noodles are the worst part of preparing the dish. They’re awkwardly large and heavy (for a noodle), and God help you if you overcook them even a bit as they will disintegrate under their own weight.
As much as I’d have liked it to be some kind of active or skill based game, it was either going to be webfishing or revolution idle.
I recently picked up secrets of grindea, but after having binged it for a few days, I’m grinded out. I need to earn so much gold if I want to collect all the things and it feels like my combat power has hit a wall. There are a few non-grind things I could tackle, but I’ll just wait a bit and let burnout go away.
Geocities was over the hump at that point, but i guess that makes it even more true.
Similarly, 40ish hours for an mmo binge back in the day.