I don’t have much faith in advertisers starving Zuckerberg of cash. Unless there’s an exodus of users from Facebook, Instagram, and whatever else Zuckerberg owns then there’s not going to be any pressure on advertisers to abandon those sites.
I don’t have much faith in advertisers starving Zuckerberg of cash. Unless there’s an exodus of users from Facebook, Instagram, and whatever else Zuckerberg owns then there’s not going to be any pressure on advertisers to abandon those sites.
Mildly surprised Sony actually budged on this. Of course, they really should have had this setup from the start. No one is going to like being forced to set up a PSN account to play a game, but I imagine a lot of people will do it for a free cosmetic skin or whatever in-game incentives they come up with.
“You’re trying to kidnap what I’ve rightfully stolen!” -OpenAI 2025.
No, vampires usually leave that sort of “exact words” trickery to faeries and genies.
Focus on what you can control is pretty cliche advice, but it really is all you can do in situations like this. Something I’ve started doing is a “news diet” where I sit down on Monday and basically skim through the last week of political news. Then I just try and ignore political news as much as possible until the next Monday. It’s not a perfect system, but it helps deal with the fire hose style news coverage the media gives to Trump.
It’s almost impressive how companies can think up the worst ways to experience games when they want to show something off at these events.
This console generation is ending already? Like, logically I know it’s been six years, but it still feels short for a console generation. Curious to see if the handheld rumors pan out and what confusing name they give it.
Pretty sure that is your cat now. Sorry, we don’t make the rules, the cats do.
Thanks Google, I hate it. At least the udm=14 trick and website still works, at least until google decides to stop supporting that feature. Definitely going to be using that more and more if this becomes the default google experience.